Cursurile din domeniul Engleză - pagina 5 din 8


Definition - Communication is a process that allows organisms to exchange information by several methods. - Communication can be defined as the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. It is the act of passing information and the process by which meanings are exchanged so as to produce... citește mai departe

79 pagini Gratis Extras

Modals and Semi-modals

A. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. MODALS There are nine central modals in English. (Other terms used for them are ‘modal verbs’ and ‘modal auxiliaries’ and ‘modal auxiliary verbs’.) They are used to add meaning to a main verb, for example to indicate how certain, possible, probable, necessary, obligatory something... citește mai departe

23 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

English for Economics

UNIT ONE A TYPICAL STUDENT IN ECONOMICS A. TEXT John is a 1st year student in Economics at “Danubius” University , Galatz. He is not only delighted with the entire learning environment directly connected to student agenda, but also very pleased with his activity as a student here, at this university. He... citește mai departe

31 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Business Culture

Multinationals and Multicultural Communication Possible profile of negotiators 1. Communication formality/informality assertiveness /interpersonal harmony relationship building pluralistic cultures extended family culture community culture Assertiveness /interpersonal harmony 2. Business protocol 2.... citește mai departe

36 pagini Gratis Extras

Business Communication - Team Building

Business Communication Team Building 1. Groups and teams What do you think is the difference between groups and teams? 1. Groups and teams A team is different from a group: Teams are: highly organized more dedicated committed to a common goal guided by mutual responsibility 1. Groups and teams A team is... citește mai departe

27 pagini Gratis Extras


Intro Have you ever bargained for something? Describe your experience. Was it successful? How would you define negotiations? 1. A brief definition A negotiation is: a back-and-forth communication where 2 or more parties bargain for a desired outcome 1. A brief definition The parties involved in negotiation... citește mai departe

39 pagini Gratis Extras

Elements of Business Writing

1. A letter is the appropriate medium: When immediate feedback isn’t neded or isn’t possible, e.g. when inviting comments on a proposal When personal contact isn’t needed or isn’t possible, e.g. when confirming an appointment made by phone When a written record is needed, either as a permanent record or as a... citește mai departe

46 pagini Gratis Extras

Business Letters

4.1 Letters for placing and acknowledging orders Letters for placing and acknowledging orders should be brief, accurate, and to the point. In many cases, companies use printed prenumbered order forms. In turn, sellers also use printed acknowledgments. When placing an order by letter or fax, the following details... citește mai departe

28 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Curs de engleză pentru începători

Articolul nehotarat si articolul hotarat Articolul nehotarat a se foloseste inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana sau cu unul din sunetele w si y (semiconsoane): a book = o carte ; a window = o fereastra ; a year = un an Articolul nehotarat an se foloseste inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala sau... citește mai departe

136 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

The Twentieth-Century Black Writer

One of the most important themes in 20th century American history is the struggle of black Americans for their human and social rights. In 1863 during the Civil War, president Abraham Lincoln had ended the slavery of blacks, but their position in American society remains very bad. In the South especially... citește mai departe

4 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Gramatica limbii engleze

ADJECTIVUL Gradele de comparatie 1) pozitiv = adjectivul nu se schimba 2) comparativ - de inferioritate (2.1.) - de egalitate (2.2.) - de superioritate (2.3.) 3) superlativ - relativ (3.1.) - absolut (3.2.) 2.1. Comparativ de inferioritate - pt adj scurte (mono si bisilabice) se formeaza din: not so/not as... citește mai departe

56 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Corespondență comercială

Addressing envelopes The envelope of a business letter should create a good impression on the receiver, an impression of carefulness and good taste. Because good impression is extremely important in business, envelopes should be of high-quality paper. Their sizes varies according to the length of the letter as well... citește mai departe

50 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Timpurile Verbelor

Modul INDICATIV 1) Present tense simple - forma : I, you, we, they - vb.forma1 He, she, it - vb.forma1+s/es Se traduce: Timpul prezent = Este acea actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii Ex: Eu aud vb regulate vb neregulate DIATEZA PASIVA A I, you, we, they come stop is come / stopped He, she, it... citește mai departe

21 pagini Gratis Cuprins Extras Preview

Limba Engleză

Cuvânt Înainte În condiţiile civilizaţiei actuale, când comunicarea largă între oameni şi popoare a devenit o realitate obişnuită, cunoaşterea unei limbi de circulaţie internaţională este o necesitate. Dacă în Evul Mediu limba latină a fost pentru europeni limba comună a culturii şi ştiinţei, astăzi, în epoca... citește mai departe

147 pagini Gratis Cuprins Extras Preview


1. MORFOLOGIA (THE MORPHOLOGY) (gr. morphe = formă, logos = studiu) Morfologia este partea gramaticii care cuprinde regulile de modificare a cuvintelor în procesul comunicării. Ea studiază părţile de vorbire sub aspect formal, semantic şi funcţional. Părţile de vorbire sunt: 1. Articolul (The Article) 2.... citește mai departe

124 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Engleză 1

MODULE 1 EMPLOYMENT CORRESPONDENCE The ability to compose business correspondence, although a rare marketable skill, is not an unattainable one. It is not a skill one is born with. People learn how to write, just as they learn how to read, to type or to operate computers. But, just like learning to type,... citește mai departe

69 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Semantic Theories

Chapter I LANGUAGE AS A CONCEPTUAL SYSTEM Language is not only an instrument of communication. It is far more than this - it is the means by which we interpret our environment, by which we classify or "conceptualize" our experiences, by which we are able to impose structure on reality, so as to use what we have... citește mai departe

43 pagini Gratis Cuprins Extras Preview

Business Grammar - Lesson 2

Noun Cases Nominative – case of the subject and subject complement Accusative – case of Direct Object; prepositional object Genitive – ‘s Genitive – for persons: My boss’ personal secretary is absent today. Tess’ dress is made out of silk. - “of” Genitive – for objects and things The agenda of today’s meeting... citește mai departe

20 pagini Gratis Extras

Risk Management

To believe the news media, there are a host of cruel and omnipotent hackers out there who can totally destroy any system they set their minds to, spreading total devastation upon whoever and wherever they wish. The slightest freak of nature - heavy rain, a fire, a date on a calendar - can wipe any system out... citește mai departe

10 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Engleză avansați

COMMUNICATION – PAST AND FUTURE A. Presentation People are generally aware that success in one’s life and career depends to a great extent on one’s ability to communicate effectively. Because the first impression one makes is very important, each person has to know certain rules of greeting, of presenting oneself... citește mai departe

148 pagini Gratis Cuprins Extras Preview


2. The Relationship between Language, Thought and Reality Long before linguistics existed as a discipline, thinkers were speculating about the nature of meaning. For thousands of years, the question ‘what is meaning?’ has been considered central to philosophy. More recently it has come to be important in... citește mai departe

39 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

The Age of Innocence

Analysis One of the themes central to The Age of Innocence is the struggle between the individual and the group. Newland Archer has been raised into a world where manners and moral codes dictate how the individual will act, and in some cases, even think. At many points throughout the book, both Archer and Ellen... citește mai departe

7 pagini Gratis Extras

Alpha Test

Diferentierea sexuala este cea mai evidenta din punct de vedere morfologic. Se pun insa cel putin doua intrebari. Exista diferente si din alte puncte de vedere, care sunt si cum se exprima?. Si exista aceeasi structura de diversitate a mediei si a dispersiei si la femei ca si la barbati? Ar mai fi de fapt o... citește mai departe

8 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Limba engleză curs practic - nivel mediu

Horace was very proud of his cousin, Mike Aspen, Hollywood’s brightest young star. Whenever his cousin appeared on the screen, Horace would say, “Isn’t he wonderful? He’s my cousin, you know ”. What was worse, Horace was always cutting pictures of his cousin out of movie magazines and putting them on the kitchen... citește mai departe

51 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Lista verbelor neregulate din limba engleză

arise arose arisen a se ridica awake awoke awaked awoken awaked a se trezi backslide backslid backslidden backslid a decadea be was / were been a fi bear bore borne born a purta beat beat beaten beat a bate become became become a deveni begin began begun a începe bend bent bent a se îndoi bet bet... citește mai departe

9 pagini Gratis Extras Preview