Change Management

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Publicat de: Dina Moldovan
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Sliduri despre ce este change management

Extras din curs

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change

(Charles Darwin)

There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things

(Niccolo Machiavelli)

Evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the most fundamental problem in all of the stages is changing the behavior of people

(John Kotter)

Change = a natural or societal process of alteration the initial state of a given entity, produced in a spontaneous or controlled way.

Any entity will continue to operate in the same functional and structural state until a driving force will change some of its core characteristics.

An organizational change is an alteration of an organization’s environment, structure, technology, or people

Any change is developing as a dynamic process under driving and inertial forces.

Evolutionary/ Continuous changes

- continuous process of change in time, without discontinuities

- usually, they involve small change

- usually, they involve a dynamic equilibrium

(if there are perturbations, they do not change the basic state of the system)


- in nature: growing trees, ageing people, weather warming, snow melting

- in society: business development, team work, education in schools and universities

Types of change - Time

Revolutionary/discontinuous/disruptive changes

- discontinuous process of change in time

- usually, they involve a big change

- usually, they involve a conflicting situation


- in nature: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes

- in society: a revolution, a strike, starting up a new company, taking-over of a company, an invention, a discovery

Conținut arhivă zip

  • 01_ChM_Changes in nature & society.ppt
  • 02_ChM_Anatomy of change.ppt
  • 03_ChM_Change Dynamics.ppt
  • 04_ChM_Models of change.ppt
  • 05_Kotter's 8 steps change management process.ppt
  • 06_ChM_Kotter's model (3+4).ppt
  • 07_ChM_Kotter's model (5+6).ppt
  • 08_ChM_Kotter's model (7+8).ppt

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