Frankfurt Airport

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Domeniu: Economie
Conține 1 fișier: docx
Pagini : 11 în total
Cuvinte : 2575
Mărime: 288.52KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Tudor-Toma Moga
Puncte necesare: 5
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Ilie Rotariu

Extras din referat

Fraport AG owns and manages Frankfurt Airport, Germany’s busiest commercial airport. The airport’s operating area covers about 21 square kilometers. Fraport AG provides facilities to airlines and other tenants as well as a wide range of airport services. Additional services are provided by airport concessionaires. FRA – the international, three-letter airport code for Frankfurt Airport – stands for more than just an airport. FRA resembles a bustling city in which a multitude of services and amenities for travelers are available, including entertainment and exclusive shopping throughout the terminals as well as conference and other business facilities.

Frankfurt Airport Center

FAC 1 and FAC 2 are international office and communications centers – the ideal European base for globally oriented businesses. Both outside companies and FAC tenants use the Airport Conference Center (in FAC 1) to hold meetings at the airports, taking advantage of its advanced conference and communications technology and full-service concept.

The Squaire

Built on top of FRA’s long-distance train station, The Squaire is a multi-use complex with 140,000 sq.m of space for offices, retail and service outlets, and hotels. This futuristic glazed building, with a length of 660 meters and nine levels, is a stunning new landmark at the Frankfurt Airport City.

Corporate Data

With about 75,000 employees, FRA is Germany’s largest place of employment at a single location.

Fraport AG’s share capital is held as follows (as of December 31, 2011): 31.49 percent by the German state of Hesse, 20.11 by the city of Frankfurt via Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH, 9.96 percent by Artio Global Investors Inc., 9.92 percent by Deutsche Lufthansa AG, and the remaining 28.52 percent by other investors. Of the company’s 20-member supervisory board, 10 places are occupied by the shareholder community and 10 by workforce representatives.

Aviation Security and Safety

Frankfurt Airport complies with internationally acknowledged, high standards of security and safety as established by EU regulations. Security involves protecting air traffic and the airport’s infrastructure from attacks, and especially from aircraft hijackings, sabotage, and terrorist strikes. The German Aviation Security Act of 2005 covers, among other things, checks and inspections of passengers and their lug-gage (Art. 5). It also defines the measures that airport operators and airlines must take to ensure their own security (Arts. 8 – 9). These include access checks, screening of personnel and merchandise, and securing of airport premises. Safety refers to ensuring safe, orderly air traffic operations through a cooperative effort by airlines, the German Air Navigation Services (DFS), and the airport operator.

Noise Abatement

Fraport is aware that aircraft noise has significantly increased in some areas as a result of the inauguration of the new run-way and changes to the system of approach and takeoff paths. Within the scope of the Airport and Region Forum (ARF), it has therefore defined a package of active noise abatement measures. They include flying around densely settled areas, alternately using different takeoff runways and routes, and testing steeper approach angles. The ARF task force is also evaluating possibilities for optimizing flight paths, including routes and altitudes. Parallel to this, Fraport is also supporting passive noise abatement: in zones where the legally allowed noise levels are exceeded, expenditures for acoustically insulating homes and facilities in need of protection are being reimbursed. The current program tentatively comprises a volume of about 150 million euros. The system for monitoring aircraft noise has also been extended by adding more measurement stations. Fraport has also shouldered its responsibility by dispatching an info-bus and taking other steps to inform residents of what is being done to improve the situation. Its complaint hotline is also staffed around the clock.

Climate Protection

Fraport has set itself the goal of reducing the emissions per passenger and per 100 kg of cargo by 30 percent by the year 2020. It also aims to prevent operation of the airport from causing additional CO2 emissions despite the expected increase in passenger and cargo volumes. In order to systematically capture emissions, Fraport has begun implementing a comprehensive CO2 monitoring system. The concept was developed in 2011 and is being put into practice at Frankfurt Airport in stages starting in 2012. Other contributions to climate protection include measures to make existing and new buildings and infrastructure more energy-efficient and the addition of energy-conserving vehicles to the company’s own motor pool.

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