Relations Between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and People's Life Style Regarding Their Alcohol Consumption

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Domeniu: Sociologie
Conține 1 fișier: ppt
Pagini : 30 în total
Mărime: 1.41MB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Vlad M.
Puncte necesare: 6
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Millea Vlad

Extras din referat

Research purpose

Research objectives

To establish the relevance of sex, age, residence, education, income or other socio-economic characteristics concerning alcohol consumption frequency

To find the relation between the perception regarding own life quality (globally and on specific dimentions) and on the importance of different aspects of existance (as family, work, etc.) and the frequency of alcohol drinking

We were interested on the relation between the frequency of alcohol consumption and people's tolerance regarding groups (perceived as) different, marginal or deviant

We wanted to reveal the relation between alcohol drinking and the quality / nature of family members communication

Last but not least, we were interested by the impact of alcohol consumption regarding daily time budget

Methodological aspects

The analised persons represent a probabilistic sample from romanian adult population (18 year or more)

Data were collected in october 2006 from the residence of the respondents using questionaires applied by interview operators who registered the answers

The total number of respondents was 1975

The research was financed by Foundation for a Open Society (named now Soros Foundation Romania) and it is part of a program by which are collected data (including longitudinal) regarding romanian society (it began in 1995)

The „brend” of the Public Opinion Barometer is described on web page (it has english version)

Details about sampling techniques are available on the same web page

The frequency of Romanians citizen alcohol consumption in european context

Percentage of people who drunk any alcohol the past 12 months

Alcoholic liver disease Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT), in-patients, per 100,000 inhabitants

Causes of death – Chronic liver disease Standardised death rate (per 100,000 inhabitants) (Annual Data)

Socio-demographic caracteristics and frequency of alcohol consumption Relevance of sex

Relevance of age

Relevance of educational level

Relevance of household income

Relevance of personal income

Household equipments according to frequency of WINE / BEER consumption

Household equipments according to frequency of SPIRITS consumption

The existance of people on wich respondents can count according to the frequency of WINE and BEER consumption

The existance of people on wich respondents can count (regarding several domains) according to the frequency of wine and beer consumption

Conținut arhivă zip

  • Relations Between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and People's Life Style Regarding Their Alcohol Consumption.ppt

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