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seminar engleza anul 2 facultate

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We write an enquiry when we want to ask for more information concerning a product, service or other details about a product or service that interests us. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement in the paper, a magazine, a commercial on television when we are interested in purchasing a product but would require more information before making a decision.

Inquiries of goods.

Many commercial transactions begin with an inquiry such letters express the desire to buy goods and request information or quotation. They mark the beginning of business dialogue via letters. When approaching a potential business partner for the first time, it is customary to mention the source that has led you to that particular company.

Some firms use printed enquiry forms which are filled in when required thus eliminating a letter. Inquiries can ask for generall or specific information about the goods needs:

a) General inquiries requesting: the latest price-lists; catalogues; samples, patterns, specimens.

b) Specific inquiries give details as: detailed description of the goods, quantity, packing required and the approximate date on which goods will have to be delivered.

They request for:

1) A quoatation;

2) The latest price-list;

3) Terms of payment;

4) Discount for prompt cash;

5) Reductions made for large orders.

I) Start by telling the supplier the circumstances that have given rise to the inquiry and the source that directed you to that company;

Ex. We have seen from your advertisement that you sell/produce a new line of…

We are indebded for your name and address to the Romanian commercial agency

We are interested in.. displayed at the recent Bucharest trade fair, and would welcome the details of your export terms

II) The goods required should be described in some detail, as an in depth description minimizes the risk of receiving unsuitable goods;

III) The quotation of a price will enable a seller to identify the required goods;

IV) The seller may be requested to state his terms of payment, preference to insurance, transport etc. details concerning quoted prices should also be referred to.

Ex. Please/ kindly send us/let us have your price lists/catalogues/quotations for these goods

V) The size of the orders needs to be emphasized, as the larger the order the more favorable the quotation usually is;

Ex. We shall be in a position to place substantial orders with you if your quotations are reasonable

As we expect a considerable demand for these.. we require your bedrock prices

VI) Letters of inquiries may be concluded with the hope that the business relation will continue indefinitely in the future.

Ex. We look forward to placing our orders with you and trust that you will make every effort to satisfy our particular requirements.

Replies to inquiries.

Since customers are the life blood of any business failure to recognize the opportunity which an enquiry stands for can have long lasting effects. Thus the information you provide in your reply may be instrumental in turning the enquiry into an order.

If the enquiry was from either a new or potential customer, four reply should open with thanking them for contacting your firm. If it is from an old customer, tell them how much their enquiry is appreciated.

Next supply the information requested without forgetting to refer to enclosures. If you are not in position to provide the product or service requested, offer an alternative which you might persuade the client to accept.

Finally should you have to refuse a request be particularly tactful so as to retain the customer for future business. The reply to an inquiry should display a polite direct and prompt approach.

A good sales letter is organized to have a certain impact and redundant information may dissipate a forceful effect.

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Conținut arhivă zip

  • engleza inquiry.doc
  • engleza report.doc
  • engleza the offer.doc
  • engleza-adjustment letters.doc
  • engleza-complaints.doc
  • Orders.doc

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