Software Tools for Mechanical Engineering

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Publicat de: Augustin Crăciun
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Software tools for mechanical engineering


What is “software tools for mechanical engineering”?

Will SME work for me?

How does it work?

Advantages and Disadvantages

Future Trends

Six ways to choose the right software


design and drawing, conception, research, inovation – mechanical engineering activities

3 mil web pages SME

61120 CAD for me


The way to professional engineer…









"Computed Aided Engineering" - CAE

"Finite Element Method"/"Finite Element Analysis" - FEM /FEA


"Computer Aided Manufacturing" - CAM

What Is Computer-aided Design(CAD)

A software system that uses computer graphics to assist in the creation, modification, and analysis of a design.

Attention! In romanian “proiectare asistata de calculator” is more precise. The semantic of CAD is more confuse - the right abreviation is CADD

What Is Computer-aided Design (CAD Retrospective)

1982 Solid modeling has proliferated to CAD systems

1983 3D developed in Europe!

1986 Autodesk's AutoCAD is the most popular microcomputer design program

1989 NASA develops high-end data visualization programs

What Is Computer-aided Design (CAD Retrospective)

1990 Manufacturers take advantage of NC simulation software to graphically depict tool paths to detect machining errors before actual metal cutting commences

1998 Chrysler becomes the first automaker to adopt a fully digital, "Cyber-synthesis" process.

What Is Computer-aided Design (CAD Retrospective)

1998 Mechanical CAD vendors battle for a share of the midrange market

2000 Moving design engineering from the desktop to the Web

2001 The same CAD data used to design cars is also used to market them

How CAD Systems are (should be) used

An idea is generated by a scientist/engineer

The conceptual design for a part is roughly “sketched” either on paper or better yet in the CAD system sketcher tool

A designer gets involved (or the engineer takes over) and a 3-D model of the part is created (only if 3-D rendering is warranted)

How CAD Systems are (should be) used

From the 3-D model a series of 2-D views can be automatically produced and a drafter can get involved to create detail drawings

Model/Drawings are checked for accuracy and functionality and then approved for release

If CAM is the ultimate goal, the 3-D model can be shipped to the Machine Shop where it is brought into the CAM package and tool paths created

Conținut arhivă zip

  • Software Tools for Mechanical Engineering.ppt

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