Introducere în Comunicare

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Publicat de: Silviu Horea Suciu
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Extras din curs

Communication I course

Year 1, term 1, week 4,

International Communication Management,


Reminder of the Communication Process

The functions of communication

The functions of communication presented by Thunberg in his ‘Spiral of Interaction Model’ are:

The expressive function: individuals express themselves effectively in order to create an identity for themselves (and their group)

The social function: by communicating together, people develop a sense of community

The information function: through communication, individuals can share information and thereby increase their knowledge

The control activation function: communication leads to joint action, modifying the enviroment and improving the situation of individuals and their groups

General systems theory

The basic idea of general systems theory is that the whole equals more than the sum of its parts (also know as the synergistic effect)

General systems theory applied to communication

You cannot not communicate

Communication occurs at two levels: content and relationship

Communication is dynamic in nature

Communication transactions are between either equals or non-equals

Campaigns provide ideal solutions for the study of human communication theory

Characteristics of campaigns:

A campaign is purposive, i.e. specific results are intended

A campaign is aimed at a large audience

A campaign occurs during a given time period, ranging from a few weeks to many years

A campaign involves an organized set of communication activities. At a minimum this involves message producation and distribution.

(Study chapter eleven of Using Communication Theory)

Factors contributing to campaign success (I)

The role of the mass media. The mass media are important for creating awareness and stimulating others to participate in the campaign process; more ambitious effects such as behavioural changes are unlikely.

The role of interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication through peer groups and social networks is instrumental for behavior change and maintenance of such change.

Characteristics of source or medium. Qualities such as credibility can influence the outcome of a campaign. Both campaign objectives and messages need to be evaluated to make sure they fit habits, audience predispositions and sheer availability of resources.

(Study chapter eleven of Using Communication Theory)

Factors contributing to campaign success (I)

Campaign appeals. Campaigns must be specific rather than general in order to appeal to the values of the individuals.

Delayed benefits must be related to immediate ones.

Timeliness, compatibility, and accessibility. Communication messages must be timely and culturally acceptable, and the channels over which they are transmitted must be available to the audience.

((Study chapter eleven of Using Communication Theory)

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