The Relations Between the European Union and România

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Publicat de: Augustin Crăciun
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Agreements and treaties signed before 1990

- Romania was the first country in Central and East Europe establishing official relations with the European Community.

- In 1974, an agreement regarding the inclusion of Romania in the Preferential System was signed.

- In 1980, an agreement regarding the industrial products was signed

2. Important events and main documents regarding the Accession Strategy

1990 – the diplomatic relations between Romania and the European Union were reestablished

1991 – The Agreement on Cooperation and Trade was signed. Romania expressed its will to accept and respect de democratic values of the EU

1993 – Between the EU and Romania was signed the Association Treaty of Romania to the European Union. The Treaty was ratified by the

15 members of the Union. It enter into force on the 1 of February 1995

22 June 1995, in Paris, Romania over handed its official application to become a member of the EU. In the mean time, a National Strategie concerning the Preparation Process of Romania (Snagov Strategy) was elaborated

December 1994 -Essen, the European Council decided on:

- the enlargement process will be treated not only as a political process, but it will come down to an operational level. A Preparation Strategy was adopted by the head of states and governments

- some other strategies and decisions concerning the relations between the associated countries and the EU were established

- the responsibilities of the associated countries and of the European Commission were clarified. It was decided upon the documents to be elaborated by each part, the timing and the monitoring of their full feeling

- the principle of equal treatment in the negotiations

- the technical and financial support granted to the associated countries in their preparation process

27 June 1997 – Romania was upgraded from the status of an associated country to that of a candidate country

10 -11 December 1999 – Helsinki, the European Council decided to open negotiations with 6 candidates

15 February 2000 - Romania start the accession negotiations

20 March 2000 – the Romanian Government forwarded to the European Commission the Medium - Term Economic Development Strategy

13 December 2002 – Copenhagen, the European Council proposed as accession date for Romania - 2007

8 December 2004 - the negotiation process was finalized

13-14 December 2004 - Bruxelles, the European Council took note that the negotiation process with Romania was closed

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