Quality Monitoring of Electrical Energy

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Domeniu: Electrotehnică
Conține 9 fișiere: ppt
Pagini : 265 în total
Mărime: 8.04MB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Iancu Carp
Puncte necesare: 0

Extras din curs

1.1. Targets of the Course

1.2. Power Quality

1.3. Supply System Safety

1.4. Quality of Electrical Energy

1.5. Electromagnetic Compatibility

1.6. Causes of Power Quality Deterioration and Remedies

Late-Day Challenges

Power Quality (PQ) is a complex area covering many different topics.

Quality of electrical supply systems

Quality of electrical energy (QEE) planning and monitoring

Disturbing emission (Interference) standardizing

Manufacturing equipment with reduced disturbing emissions and high immunity against disturbing emissions (Interfereces)

Analysis, diagnosis and solution of PQ problems

Targets of the Course:

Clarifying the concept of Power Quality and Quality of Electrical Energy (QEE).

Defining and applying the Quality Indicators of Electrical Energy.

Applying the methods and the means for monitoring of QEE indicators.

Training the communication and team work Skills.

Safety during operation of the supply system,

Quality of electrical energy at the demarcation point between user and supplier,

- Electromagnetic compatibility between the installation / plant and the environment, at the common junction point.

Requirements as regards the quality of the energy supply service:

At generation system – ensuring the input power and the continuity,

At transportation system – ensuring the power reserve in case of incidents within looped (double wire) networks; and the rapid rectification in case

of short-circuit / interruption,

At distribution system – ensuring the voltage control through transformers and the reserve control for distribution network (usually looped ),

At users

there are users with non-linear elements, who inject harmonic currents in

the network and cause voltage harmonics in network lines,

there are unbalanced users who require dissymmetrical currents which

induce voltage un-balances

- there are users with varying loads which product voltage fluctuations.

[4] – give example of different types of users.

Conținut arhivă zip

  • Quality Monitoring of Electrical Energy
    • 1-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-PQ-eng.ppt
    • 2-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-frequency-eng.ppt
    • 3-Voltage.ppt
    • 4-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-eng-Application-C4.ppt
    • 4-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-eng.ppt
    • 5-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-eng.ppt
    • 6-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-eng-Application-C6.ppt
    • 6-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-eng.ppt
    • 7-Master-SEA-MQEE-2010-eng.ppt

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