British Empire

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A worldwide system of dependences – colonies, protectorates, and other territories – that over a span of three centuries was brought under the sovereignty of the crown of Great Britain and the administration of the British government

The policy of granting or recognizing significant degrees of self-government by dependencies led to the development by the 20th century of the notion of “the British Commonwealth

Because of its insularity the maritime trade

has always played an important role in the history of Great Britain

It was sustained by Naval Acts, first being given by the Parliament under the rule of Richard II

Elisabeth I takes the first effective measures because the British naval force was well developed

16th century –mark the beginning of companies: private commercial ventures, chartered and encouraged by the crown

They had certain powers of political control and commercial monopolies over designated geographical areas

In the areas they started setting up fortified trading posts. Where there was no strong indigenous government the English extended their power over the surrounding area

Scattered post were established in India, East Indies, Newfoundland and Hudson Bay.

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  • British Empire.pptx
  • british empire III.pptx
  • british empire IV.pptx
  • British Empire II.pptx

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