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Domeniu: Engleză
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Publicat de: Avram Bogdan
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  1. The Job Market
  2. Applying for a job
  3. Writing your CV and your Application Letter
  4. Interviews
  5. The Law- General Aspects
  6. The vocabulary of Crime and the Law
  7. Justice
  8. Reading Comprehension
  9. POLITICS – The Role of Government
  10. Sentencing
  11. The Legal Profession in Britain
  12. Short History of Invaders of Britain
  13. What is History?
  14. Short History of the British Isles
  15. The Foundation of the British Law- Magna Carta & Habeas Corpus Act
  16. Basic Law Terms
  17. English Legal History
  18. Sources of Contemporary English Law
  19. Britain’s System of Government
  20. The Monarchy and the Monarch
  21. The British Parliament
  22. The British Legal System
  23. The British Court System
  24. Courts and Tribunals
  25. Legal Proceedings
  26. Trials in Great Britain
  27. Participants in a Trial
  28. At trial
  29. On appeal
  30. Criminal procedure
  31. The British police

Extras din curs


1. Read through the job advertisement below (ads 1 to 10) and then decide which would be the most suitable appointment for each of the following applicants.

These advertisements appeared in The Times newspaper, but the names, addresses and phone numbers of private companies have been changed.

- An applicant with three years’ experience in property litigation. He / she doesn’t want to live in London.

- An applicant with three years’ experience dealing with bankruptcy cases and who wants to work in London as a solicitor.

- An applicant who wants to be his/her own boss and become a partner rather than an employee. He/ she is not fond of the city of London but has a taste for luxury – including fast cars.

- An applicant with ten years’ experience in family law and who does not want to work as a solicitor.

- An applicant who is a graduate lawyer and has just completed his/her articles.

Ad 1.

Ad 2. Ad 3.

Ad 4.

Ad 5.

Ad 6.

Ad 7.

Ad 8.

Ad 9.

Ad 10.


2. One of the organizations that placed an advertisement received the following letter of application. Fill in the blanks with expressions from the list below. Use each expression only once. Then say who the letter is addressed to and give reasons for your answer.

a. the addresses of two referees

b. I am available

c. despite

d. I would like to apply

e. it is time to move on

f. please find enclosed

g. please do not hesitate

h. commercial litigation solicitor

i. faithfully

j. should you require

48, Kenilworth Crescent


West Midlands


22nd June 2007

Rushwood Pitkin Limited

Victoria House

Marchwood Place



Dear Sir,

3. John Simmons received a favorable reply. Recreate the letter from the different elements below and set it out respecting the conventions of letter-writing layout.

Should the suggested time inconvenient, please contact Ms Gordon (extension 114) as soon as possible in order to fix an alternative date.

Further to your latter dated 22nd June, I should be grateful if you could attend an interview on 3rd July at 3 p.m. in our London office at the above address.

Yours sincerely,

P. Jarvis

Personnel Manager

Rushwood Pitkin Limited

Victoria House

Marchwood Place



I suggest you take the 11.18 from Birmingham New Street in order to leave sufficient time to reach our office.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

J. Simmons

48, Kenilworth Crescent


West Midlands


Dear Mr Simmons,

24th June 2007

4. Here is a personal view from a popular women’s magazine. Read it and answer the following questions:

a. How would you describe the overall tone of the article?

b. In which “suitable place” do you think the writer would like to suggest the employer to file the application form?

c. Why does the writer ask about the office ceilings and the employer’s wife’s slimming club?

d. What’s the difference between a mortgage and a rent?

e. What are the writer’s hobbies?

f. What does the writer mean by “third time lucky”?

g. What is a “maiden name”?

h. How negotiable does the writer expect her possible salary to be?

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