Engleză anul II

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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Moisa Ciprian

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No time to stand and stare &


1. There are two taxis, one driven by a man, one driven by a woman. Which do you choose?

2. In most circumstances do you prefer the following to be a man or a woman?

-a waiter in a restaurant - a chef - a hairdresser - a bank manager

3. When people work with the opposite sex do you think they use more or less bad language?

4. Are men or women better at jobs which require the following?

- intelligence - physical skills - feelings

5. At work, should men and women share the same facilities (e.g. meals, rooms)?

6. Who do you expect to be better at or more interested in the following  boys or girls?

- building things - cars- solving puzzles - using kitchen utensils - computer games

II. Are there jobs only for men / only for women? Give examples and explain your choice. Then read the following text and express your opinion about it. What adjectives would you use to describe the protagonist?


My first walking thought is usually along the lines of, oh God, is it really morning already? He knows Im not naturally a morning person, so I have three alarm clocks set for about 6.30 a.m.

Its at this time of the day when I often think it would be nice to have a mum or man around the place to help me. By the time Ive got ready, stuck the washing into the machine, had a gallon of black coffee and 200 cigarettes, I find myself flying out of the door late.

Home is a small, modern house, owned by the Church.

I dont really pray formally, I just have a running conversation with God. Too many people dont pray because they think you have to use formal language and they feel silly.

Wearing black every day means deciding what to put on doesnt occupy much time. The badge on my handbag says: The best man for the job is a woman. Its a bit naughty, but a friend pinned it there, and thats my excuse.

Most mornings I wash my hair, which is driving me mad at the moment because Im growing out of colour, and put on a little make-up, but Im not very good at it.

Ive just bought a small Volvo so I drive to church for a morning service between 7.30 a.m. and 8 a.m. From church, its only five minutes to college.

My work involves seeing individual students who want to discuss problems, like exams, religious doubts, emotional difficulties, their future  the usual things. I know there are a lot of people who dont approve of women in the church. I just keep out of their way and respect their views. Its important to keep your sense of humour and not take yourself too seriously.

Lunch, low-fat yoghurt and fruit, tends to be eaten on the move, usually on the way to talk to a group, which may include staff or students, or a luncheon club.

I usually get home around 5 p.m. and do some work on the sermon. To unwind, I play the piano very loudly, go for a walk, or lie on the floor and practice very elementary yoga. Sometimes I have a bath and read. Getting dinner involves taking something out of the freezer and popping it into the microwave. I have a reasonably active social life, mostly with friends I grew up with in Hale, in Manchester. The evenings I spend alone. I occasionally just slump into a chair and watch some telly. I dont get lonely, although I do sometimes miss my black cat, Satan, who died last year.

I have had lots of boyfriends, and the idea of marriage does appeal, when the right one comes along. But Im not at all maternal and I havent yet had the urge to steal babies in the supermarkets.

My parents live in Swansea. Im one of the four children and the only one who has gone into the church. The others are more interested in money. Well, I am, too, but ministers earn £ 7,500 a year so Ill just have to find myself a wealthy man.

Bedtime tends to be about midnight. But before that I always write a Dear Diary, except its Dear God, a kind of prayer.

III. Read the following article and compare it with the previous one.

A woman's place is to wait and listen, says the Vatican

The Vatican yesterday depicted what it claimed were women's characteristic traits: 'Listening, welcoming, humility, faithfulness, praise and waiting.'

In its most important statement on the role of women in almost a decade, the Roman Catholic Church said these virtues of the Virgin Mary were ones that women displayed 'with particular intensity and naturalness'.

The document, which will prompt a fierce debate about the attributes of women, added: 'Although a certain type of feminist rhetoric makes demands "for ourselves", women preserve the deep intuition of the goodness in their lives of those actions that bring out life, and contribute to the growth and protection of others. This intuition is linked to women's physical capacity to give life. Whether lived out or remaining potential, this capacity is a reality that structures the female personality in a profound way.'

Because they have something unique to contribute, 'women should be present in the world of work and in the organisation of society'.

The comments drew a mixed reaction from feminists and women writers. Erin Pizzey, founder of the international women's refuge movement, said: 'I don't think the Catholic Church, whose priests and bishops cannot marry, is in a position to make such statements. It is one of the most emotionally illiterate organisations I know, and it needs to put its own house in order first.'

But Catherine Pepinster, editor of Catholic paper The Tablet, said the comments would resonate with many women. It does make a distinction between the sexes, but it also points out that women have a big role to play in society.'

However, combining work and family has 'characteristics different from those in the case of men', says the document, which argues for a 'just valuing of the work of women within the family'. It does not say how this is to be done, but it is clear he sees it as a way of encouraging women to spend as much time as possible in the home.

IV. You know Rachel Lewis daily programme. Now read the following letter paying attention to the words written in bold. Do you prefer Cinderella or Rachel?

Dear Cinderella,

Your jobs for tonight:

sweep the chimney, scrub the floors,

beat the carpets, hoover the stairs,

dust the furniture, polish the silver,

make the beds, change the sheets,

tidy the house, dig the garden,

clean out the fireplace, empty the rubbish,

wash our underwear, mend the socks,

iron the laundry,

cook the supper, do the washing-up,

dry the dishes, put them away.

Dont wait up for us.

The Ugly Sisters

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