Gramatică engleză

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Future continuous, form

The future continuous is made up of two elements: the simple future of the verb 'to be' + the present participle (base+ing)

Subject simple future, 'to be' base+ing

You will be watching


I will be asking


She won't be leaving


Will they be retiring?

Interrogative negative

Won't we be staying?

Example: to stay, future continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will be staying I won't be staying Will I be staying?

You will be staying You won't be staying Will you be staying?

He, she, it will be staying He won't be staying Will she be staying?

We will be staying We won't be staying Will we be staying?

You will be staying You won't be staying Will you be staying?

They will be staying They won't be staying Will they be staying?

Future continuous, function

The future continuous refers to an unfinished action or event that will be in progress at a time later than now. It is used:

a. to project ourselves into the future and see something happening: This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Bali.

b. to refer to actions/events that will happen in the normal course of events: I'll be seeing Jim at the conference next week.

c. in the interrogative form, especially with 'you', to distinguish between a simple request for information and an invitation: Will you be coming to the party tonight? (= request for information) Will you come to the party? (= invitation)

d. to predict or guess about someone's actions or feelings, now or in the future: You'll be feeling tired after that long walk, I expect.

More examples:

a. events in progress in the future:

When you are in Australia will you be staying with friends?

This time next week you will be working in your new job.

At four thirty on Tuesday afternoon I will be signing the contract.

b. events/actions in normal course of events:

I'll be going into town this afternoon, is there anything you want from the shops?

Will you be using the car tomorrow? - No, you can take it.

I'll be seeing Jane this evening - I'll give her the message.

c. asking for information:

Will you be bringing your friend to the pub tonight?

Will Jim be coming with us?

d. predicting or guessing:

You'll be feeling thirsty after working in the sun.

He'll be coming to the meeting, I expect.

You'll be missing the sunshine now you're back in England.



There are a number of different ways of referring to the future in English. It is important to remember that we are expressing more than simply the time of the action or event. Obviously, any 'future' tense will always refer to a time 'later than now', but it may also express our attitude to the future event.

All of the following ideas can be expressed using different tenses:

a. Simple prediction

b. Arrangements

c. Plans and intentions

d. Time-tabled events

e. Prediction based on present evidence

f. Willingness

g. An action in progress in the future

h. An action or event that is a matter of routine

i. Obligation

j. An action or event that will take place immediately or very soon

k. Projecting ourselves into the future and looking back at a completed action.

The example sentences below correspond to the ideas above:

a. There will be snow in many areas tomorrow.

b. I'm meeting Jim at the airport.

c. We're going to spend the summer abroad.

d. The plane takes off at 3 a.m.

e. I think it's going to rain!

f. We'll give you a lift to the cinema.

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