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Publicat de: Luca Drăgoi
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Anca Maican
Stiinte economice..anul II,Universitatea Transilvania brasov

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I. Match the terms on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. private company a. a company owned by another;

2. public company b. a company which produces and/ or sells water, electricity, gas etc. to the general public;

3.nationalised company c. a group of up to 20 people with unlimited liability for a firm’s debts;

4. public utility d. a company which owns and runs other companies;

5. partnership e. a limited company with up to 50 shareholders, which is not quoted on the stock exchange;

6. holding/ parent company f. a small or medium-sized company;

7. subsidiary g. a limited company quoted on the stock exchange;

8. SMS h. a company owned by the state.

II. Find the English equivalents for the following words in Romanian:

direcţie, export, funcţionari, omolog, situare, muncitor calificat, supraveghetor, rotaţia cadrelor.

1)direction aim,hand,guidance,heading,quarter 2)export, export, exportas 3) clerks , clerical people

4) homologous , counterpart5)lay/location , position, location, placement6) skilled worker , qualified worker 7)supervisor ,surveyor, overseer 8) rotation of staff, staff turnover

III. Use the following words to complete the company organization chart:

a. market research; b. Chief Executive Officer; c. wages and salaries; d. purchasing; e. pensions; f. Human Resources; g. marketing; h. design department; i. accounts; j. Chairman; k. litigation department; i. Production.

1 J , 2 B , 3f , 4L , 5C , 6G , 7K , 8H , 9I , 10A, 11E ,12D


Board of Directors


3 Finance 4 Sales and marketing

Training 5 Plant management 6

7 Budget 8 Sales

Company administration 9 Research and development 10

11 12 Transport and distribution

IV. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word from the list below:

behind of to for with out

1. The Sales manager reports …to….the Marketing manager.

2. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible …for…..the running of the company.

3. The Finance Manager is in charge …of…..the Finance department.

4. A partner is fully liable for…….the debts of the partnership.

5. I’ll deal …with……this problem personally.

6. We are phasing out……..the old model, as it is rather old-fashioned.

7. We must do something to increase our market share: we are dropping behind…….our competitors.

V. Identify the suitable definitions for the following concepts:

1. communicate C a. a method of checking the performance of an employee by setting the results against the targets;

2. delegate B b. to give someone the duty to act on your behalf, make decisions

3. motivate D c. to convey an idea or feeling to people

4. management by objectives A d. give/ offer a stimulus to do something.

5. limited liability J e. the effective management committee of a limited liability company;

6. sleeping partner G f. any presentation of the accounts of a company showing its financial position at a particular moment;

7. board of directors E g. a person who has capital in a partnership but takes no part in its commercial and managerial activities;

8. financial statement F h. the highest position on a company’s board of directors;

9. chairman H i. a person who is the only owner of a business whose manager he also is;

10. sole trader I j. this means that no shareholder of such a type of company can be asked to pay more than the nominal value of his shares or the amount of guarantee if the company goes bankrupt.

VI. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the list:

against behaviour contacts communicate decide delegating implementation long-term management measuring objectives set select suppliers tactical

Managers have to identify and …1 set …the objectives for their company. They are involved in …2 long-term………, strategic planning, as well as in the drawing up of short term, …..3 tactical …..plans. managers must organize the company, ….4 decide …..on allocation and use of the company’s resources. They ….5 select …..and train the staff that should be able to suitably carry out the tasks of the organization. In the …..6 objectives …..of their programme they must command, delegate, motivate and …..7 communicate ……effectively with all the levels of their company. It has been pointed out that good relations at work, among workers and between workers and ……..8 management …..management favourably influence output, the quality of work and motivation. The feeling of belonging to a group has a positive impact on the ….9 behaviour …..of employees. Successful managers always involve their staff in performing important tasks, …..10 delegating ….them some activities, this leading to improved results of the company. The control activity means …..11 setting…..the performance of their staff, setting obtained results …12 against……objectives – the management by ……13 implementated……technique is but one example in this respect. Managers also have to establish and make …..14 contacts ….. with the outside world, they represent their organization in its relation with customers and ……15 suppliers ….., government and other parties.

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Conținut arhivă zip

  • 1. Business Organisations.doc
  • 10. Contracts.doc
  • 11. Transport and delivery.doc
  • 12. Selling and buying.doc
  • 2. Human Resources.doc
  • 3. Business Communication.doc
  • 4. Describing performance.doc
  • 5. Money and banking.doc
  • 6. Funding the business.doc
  • 7. Accounting.doc
  • 8. Auditing.doc
  • 9. Mergers and Takeovers.doc

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