Timpurile Verbelor

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Publicat de: Benone Horea Ene
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  1. Modul INDICATIV 3
  2. 1) Present tense simple 3
  3. 2) Present tense continuos 4
  4. 3) Present perfect (simple) 5
  5. 4) Present perfect continuos 6
  6. 5) Past tense (simple) 7
  7. 6) Past tense continuous 8
  8. 7) Past perfect simple 9
  9. 8) Past perfect continuous 10
  10. 9) Future Simple 11
  11. 10) Future Continuous 11
  12. 11) Future Perfect Simple 12
  13. 12) Future Perfect Continuous 12
  14. Modul CONDITIONAL 13
  15. 13) Future in the Past Simple = Conditional Present Simple 13
  16. 14) Future in the Past Continuous = Conditional Present C 13
  17. 15) Conditional Past Simple 14
  18. 16) Conditional Past Continuous 14
  19. Modul SUBCONJUNCTIV 15
  20. 16. Sunconjunctiv vechi 15
  21. 17. Subconjunctiv prezent 15
  22. 18. Subconjunctiv perfect 15
  23. 19. Subconjunctiv analitic sau perifrasic 15
  24. a) shall / should 15
  25. b) may / might 16
  26. c) Would 16
  27. d) Could 16
  28. NOTA: had better / best / rather 16
  29. FORMA VB+ING 17
  30. 1) Participiul 17
  31. - The Present Participle - activ 17
  32. - The Present Participle - pasiv 17
  33. - The Past Participle -activ 17
  34. - The Past Participle - pasiv 17
  35. 2) Substantiv verbal 17
  36. 3) Gerundiv 17
  37. Adjectiv verbal 17
  38. Forma vb+ed 17
  40. 1) CAN – COULD 18
  41. To able to 18
  42. 2) Must 18
  43. To have to 18
  44. 3) May – Might 19
  45. To be allowed to, to be permitted to 19
  46. To be possible to 19
  47. 4) SHALL – SHOULD 19
  48. 5) WILL – WOULD 19
  49. 6) OUGHT TO 19
  50. 7) Need - Needed 19
  51. 8) Dare – Dared 20
  52. 9) To be going to 20
  53. To be to 20
  54. To be on the point of + vb-ing 20
  57. Ora exacta: 21

Extras din curs


1) Present tense simple - forma : I, you, we, they - vb.forma1

He, she, it - vb.forma1+s/es

Se traduce: Timpul prezent = Este acea actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii

Ex: Eu aud

vb regulate vb neregulate DIATEZA PASIVA

A I, you, we, they come stop is come / stopped

He, she, it comes stops

I Do I, you, we, they come

Does he, she, it come

N I, you, we, they don’t smoke

He, she, it doesn’t smoke

- adevaruri general valabile sau legi ale naturii

Ex. pamantul se invarte = the earth it turns around the sun

- instructiuni de folosire a aparatelor, masinilor, echipamentelor, instructiuni de orientare

- programe de lucru oficiale ale institutiilor, avioane, dead-line-uri pt proiecte, comentarii sportive, reclame

- exprima actiuni permanente sau stari generale

Ex. She works in a bank

Ex. Eu merg … = I walk …

- Intocmirea rapoartelor (rapoarte care pe parcursul lunii/anului nu raman definitive)

- exprima actiuni/stari viitoare

Ex. Maine este duminica = Tommorow is Sunday

Putem manca cand vei veni = we can eat when you arrive

- exprima actiuni sau obiceiuri care se repeta in general.

fol. adv.: always, usually, often, seldom (rareori, rar), never, as a rule (mai intotdeauna), whenever (ori de cate ori), one ussualy (de obicei), once in a while (din cand in cand)

Ex: intodeauna se tine de cuvant, = he always keeps his word

adesea se duc la mare = they often go to the seaside

Eu beau cafea, fumez = I drink coffee, smoke

- comentarii / recenzii sortive / povestiri dramatice

Ex. Smythe serves the ball and Lanyon misses it …..


• dupa when, until, while, as nu se foloseste will si nici Present Perfect. Se foloseste Present Simple.

Ex: Putem manca cand vii = we can eat when you arrive.

NOTA: In general se folosec adverbele:

Every day/week/month/year, usually, sometimes, always, rarely, never, often, in the morning/evening/afternoon, at night, on Monday,

2) Present tense continuos - forma: – to be + vb.forma1+ing

Se traduce: Timpul prezent = Este acea actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii Ex: Eu aud

vb regulate vb neregulate DIATEZA PASIVA

A I am coming stopping is being solved

You are coming

He, she, it is coming

We are coming

They are coming

I Am I coming

Are you coming

N I Am not coming

You Are not coming

- Exprima actiuni/stari repetate frecvent care enerveaza / deranjeaza:

Ex. She is always annoying me = Ea ma critica intotdeauna

- repetarea unei actiuni in mod constant - fol. adv. : always, constantly, continually

Ex: ei insista mereu asupra acestui lucru = they are constantly insisting on this

- Exprima actiuni/stari temporare dar definite ca timp

fol. vb.: at the moment, now, in present, all the time, this week/ holiday/winter.

Ex. Ea nu vine la birou pt moment, aceasta vara, etc = she is not coming in the office for the moment / this


In vacanta locuieste la hotel = In holiday she is living in hotel.

Ea isi petrece saptamana cu mama ei = She is spending the week with her mother

- Intocmirea rapoatelor la sfarsitul lunii (rapoarte care raman definitive)

- intrebari despre planurile de viitor: Ex. Ce faci diseara = What are you doing tonight

- programe fixate in viitorul apropiat

Ex. Eu ma duc la teatru in aceasta seara = I am going to theatre this evening

- exprima actiuni/stari care vor avea loc intr-un viitor apropiat

Ex. Ei vin diseara = they are coming tonight

- actiuni care se petrec in momentul sau in jurul momentului vorbirii

Ex. Soarele rasare acum = The sun is shining now

El studiaza pentru examene = He is studying for exams

El locuieste la tara = he is living in the country

NOTA: - pentru verbele care exprima procese mintale sentimente, stari sufletesti NU SE FOLOSESTE Present Continuous, decat daca se doreste sa se exagereze ceva in acel moment.

Ex: I am wishing to go to ……; I am wanting to say……..

- La acest timp verbele have, be si see isi schimba sensul:

Ex. I am having a shower=fac un dus; Are you having problem. are sens de a face, a avea; Have = a avea

She is being noisy = Se poarta/comporta zgomotos; are sens de a se purta; Be = a fi

I am seeing… = Ma intalnesc … are sens de a merge, a intalni,; See = a vedea, a intelege

I am thinking to study Law = ma gandesc sa studies. Are sens de a gandi; Think = a avea o idee

It is appearing = are sens de a aparea; Appear = a pare

I am tasting a cake = are sens de a gusta, Taste = a avea gust => It tastes a little biter (amar)

They are looking .. = are sens de a privi. Look = a arata intr-un fel

NOTA: In general se folosec adverbele:

Now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, today, tonight, always, still…

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