Verbe Modale May și Can

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May si can sunt VERBE MODALE sau ajutatoare: nu primesc s la persoana aIII-a singular, nu primesc do, does, did la interogativ si negativ si sunt urmate de INFINITIV fara to.

A. MAY. Utilizare:

1. cu referire la evenimente sau actiuni posibile sau probabile in prezent, adesea cu sens de viitor. Might poate fi folosit pentru a sublinia o foarte redusa posibilitate:

There’s a black cloud above us. It may rain.

Alice may get angry if you tell her.

If you try hard enough, you might convince him to come.

• si cu forma continua:

Call me after eight I may be working hard late tonight.

Alex says he might be going on holiday without his parents this year.

NOTA: formele alternative sunt:

Maybe it wil rain. It is likely to rain.

Maybe Alice will get angry if you tell her. Alice is likely to get angry if you tell her.

2. pentru a cere, a oferi sau a refuza permisiunea politicos:

May I open the window? It is very hot in this office.

You may go in to see the doctor now.

You may not smoke in my car.

NOTA: forme alternative:

Am I allowed to open the window?

You are not permitted to smoke in my car.

Can I open the window? (can poate fi si el folosit, dar este considerat mai putin politicos)

3. cu well pentru a indica o foarte mare probabilitate:

I think it may well rain today, look at those black clouds.

The Government may well decide to raise the price of gas again.

NOTA: forme alternative:

I think it is very likely to rain today.

The Government is very likely to deicde to raise the price of gas.

ATENTIE: may / might as well are alt sens:

There is nothing interesting on TV this evening, I may / might as well have an early night. (= Din moment ce nu este nimic interesant la TV, e mai bine sa ma duc devreme la culcare.)

4. cu o constructie perfecta pentru a face referire la o presupunere in trecut:

Bill isn’t at his office, he may have gone home early.

Brian might not have been killed by Sally.

5. cu o constructie perfecta pentru a face referire la ceva care s-ar fi putut petrece in trecut, dar nu s-a petrecut; se poate folosi numai might:

You might have burnt your hand while taking that hot tray out of the oven (but you didn’t).

A lot of people, who might have been saved, died when the Titanic sank.

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