Strategic Planning

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Publicat de: Iustin Chirilă
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What Is Strategic Planning?

A process for determining

Where you are

Where you intend to be

How you’re going to get there

Why Do It?

To control the things you can control and deal with the things you can’t

One way for your organization to add superior value to your customers

It’s your responsibility as a manager

If you don’t do it, someone else will

The Generic Process

Define current state

Getting Prepared

Make it a group project – invite everyone to participate

Make decisions by consensus, not majority rule

If possible, get a neutral facilitator

Getting Prepared (continued)

Question everything, ASSUME NOTHING – be prepared to put yourself out of business

As manager, you set the tone – be careful about what you say and do, discuss the “undiscussable”

Getting Prepared (continued)

Look five years out

Allow enough time (6 months minimum)

Plan series of two-day meetings with several weeks between each session

Defining the Current State

Business definition

Customer analysis

Competitor analysis

Strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats (SWOT) analysis

Business Definition

A single paragraph that answers the following questions:

What is your offering?

Who buys and consumes it?

What do they get out of it?

Sample Business Definition

Publication Services designs, develops and publishes information products for external customers. Our products enable our customers to learn how to use our company’s products so that they can perform their own business tasks with greater ease and effectiveness, making their businesses more productive and profitable

Model for Business Definition

Customer Analysis

Who are they (who makes buying decision)?

What are their key goals, objectives, and strategies?

How are they organized?

What are their critical success factors?

How do they value for technical information?

Customer Analysis

In your team, discuss what you would like to learn about your customers

External – what are the job? what do they like or not like?

Internal – how can we help them? what are their expectations?

How much money do you want to spend?

What skills levels do they have?

Customers’ Needs

More than one kind of customers?

How do they do their work now?

Language, age, experience, education

What do they prefer?

What problems do they have now?

What tasks they are performing?

How can information make their lives easier?

Products of Customer Analysis

Detailed information about individual customers

Quick-reference summary for each customer

Set of generalized conclusions about customers and your relationship with them

Sources of Customer Information

User site visits

Surveys (paper/email/phone)

Focus groups and customer partnerships

Internal information sources

Performing the Customer Analysis

Use teams to conduct research, surveys, and interviews

Work off-line – use full group meetings to review and consolidate findings

High vs. low value for information

Performing the Customer Analysis

Look for patterns and tendencies in the data

Similarities and differences between customers

Conclusions about your relationship, perceived value

Sample Customer Summary

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  • Strategic Planning.ppt

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