Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges

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Guiding the rear wheels of the car can be done independently - a guiding mechanism for each wheel, or dependent - a mechanism for guiding the rigid bridge. The classical rear bridge suspension is lamelar with bows, which provides both the role of elastic element of the suspension and guide bridge against the bodywork. Currently this is only used in trucks and cars on some land, robustness not giving suspension comfort necessary autovehicles. Constructive solution to current cars is the one articulated spatial mechanisms, which are embedded in both the elastic and the damping, this one carrying comfort compared with the suspension lamelar springs.

Guiding bodies in space can be achieved in two principle ways: through the guidance of a characteristic point of the body and its orientation in relation to the point considered, solution used, usually in industrial robots, and the guidance of several points of the body area and / selected curves or convenient solution used in guiding and bridging car (bridge articulate at the body). The layout of the bridge points and elements guiding mechanism is in view of requirements and dynamic cinematice


Car wheels, depending on the nature and size of forces and moments acting on them may be:

- wheel motors (included) are running wheels under the flow of power through transmission received from motor vehicle;

- free-wheel (driven) wheels are running under the action of a force pushing or pulling, the same meaning with respect to travel speed of the car, put on their bodywork and the car;

- hindered-wheels: wheels are running under the action of the braking mechanisms developed in the braking of the wheels (active braking) or by the power of walking in the trained (engine brake).

For cars, fitted with two decks, the traction can be achieved by solutions 4x2 or 4x4, the first figure indicating the number of wheels, and the second on the wheel motors. For the traction type 4x2, deck engine can be ordered in front or rear, and the type bridges are both 4x4 tractors engines.

Engine decks, with the Ņemot, ensure the transfer of power to flow autopropulsare, depending on the organization of traction, the tree of the secondary gear box or the longitudinal transmission, the engine wheels. Down through the transfer of power flow undergoes a series of adaptations, namely:

- geometric adjustment determined relative position of the plane tree rotate elbow engine plane and the engine spinning wheels;

- adjustment determined by kinematics ensuring necessary reports for transmission transmission car;

- dividing the flow of received power in two branches, one sent to each of wheels of the engine puntii.

To be accomplesh the functions before the mechanisms of power flow from engine deck include transmission main (or main gear), and differential transmission wheels to motors.

In autopropulsion of wheel motors interacting with the path, take delivery of forces and reaction moments. The bridge is to take all these forces and moments and to send elements of the elastic suspension and the car body or frame. Getting forces and moments, and transmission lines after the rigid body or car, is a constructive set of puntii called mechanism guiding the wheel.

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Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 6
Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 7
Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 8
Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 9
Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 10
Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 11
Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges - Pagina 12

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  • Mechanism for Guiding the Wheels or Rigid Bridges.doc

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