Planning Programing Budgeting Evaluation System

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Domeniu: Sociologie
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Pagini : 31 în total
Mărime: 81.68KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Florica B.
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Ghita Barsan
Cursul 1

Extras din curs

General presentation of the course

Goal: understanding the system of Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation


Understanding the main phases and processes in PPBES

Understanding the relationships between the institutions and agencies involved in the process

Analyzing the positive and negative aspects of implementing PPBES in the Romanian Army.


Main topics of this course

Challenges in the Defense Resources Management

Lows/instructions which reglementeaza Defense Resources Management

PPBES - Management System of Defense Resources


Main Challenges in defense resource management

The security environment has changed dramatically

Besides terrorism, there is no other direct, immediate threat

Our main concern is to act as an efficient NATO member

The Romanian Army is in full process of transformation

Discharge and reorganization of personnel



Infrastructure cut down

The financial resources allocated to defense have grown

The modernization requirements surpass by far the financial resource

The priorities established by DPA direct the decision making process with respect to the allotment of the scarce resource

The evolution of personnel 2003 / 2010 on programs (DPD)

Allocated founds /predicted to be allocated for MoD in the period 1990-2010

The improvement of major equipments (White Book)

Efficient command system (digital communication tools)

STAR 2000 (mobile component) and C4I implementation

Air space integrated management system (FPS-117, Gap Filler, ASOC, IFF)

Improving fire capabilities, mobility and precision (TR-85 M1, MLI-84 M, GEPARD, LAROM, COMBAT fire control system, professional ammunition)

Increasing the fire power and the possibilities of using the following aircraft in combat ( MIG- 21 LANCER, IAR 330 H, GHIDUL si ATTNA)

Improving naval capabilities (fregates, navigation, communications, and automatic fire control systems)

Individual and collective protection means (NBC, equipment for special forces)

Improving the logistic system (information system, professional transportation means)

Main topics of this course

Challenges in defense resource management

Laws/procedures and regulating for defense resource management

PPBES – Defence Resource Management System


Conținut arhivă zip

  • Planning Programing Budgeting Evaluation System.ppt

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