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Domeniu: Transporturi
Conține 21 fișiere: doc
Pagini : 140 în total
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Mărime: 210.14KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Stelian Văduva
Puncte necesare: 0
Curs de Lb.Engleza, UMC [Universitatea Maritima COnstanta]

Extras din curs


To call for a pilot, the ship either sends a radiogram beforehand or hoist the signal when she approaches the pilot station. A pilot may board the ship either near the pilot station or in the offing.

When the pilot launch is nearing the ship, the pilot is asked which side he wants the ladder to be lowered on. If the wind is fresh or strong, the pilot is usually taken aboard from the lee side.

To hold the launch against the sea, a boat rope is put over and the fenders are shipped on the side where the launch makes fast.

The watch officer meets the pilot and shows him to the Bridge. Then the pilot manoeuvres the ship into the harbour to her berthing place. Sometimes, the pilot takes the ship only into the harbour and the port pilot boards the ship to manoeuvre her to the berth. He also sees to the mooring of the vessel.

Although the pilot is consulted as to what course should be steered and practically it is he who cons the ship to her place, yet the responsibility for the safety of the vessel lies with the Captain.


1.Watch Officer: Motor boat, ahoy! Come alongside from starboard!

Pilot: Hello! Put over the boat rope! Lower down the rope ladder!

Watch Officer: The ladder is fast. You may climb up. Shall we take your launch in tow?

Pilot: No, thanks, you needn’t. Please hoist aboard the searchlight equipment.

Watch Officer: All right, Sir. Will you kindly come along to the Bridge?

2.Watch Officer: Please meet the Captain, Mr. Brown.

Captain: How do you do, Sir!

Pilot: How do you do! Pleased to meet you, Sir.

Captain: How far will you pilot the ship?

Pilot: I shall take her only up to the port entrance.

Captain: Who will take the ship further on?

Pilot: At the entrance to the port, another pilot will board the ship. He will relieve me and manoeuvre her into the port. He will take the ship to her berth.

Captain: Shall we take a tug to enter the port and to make a landing?

Pilot: Yes, taking a tug is compulsory for such big ships as yours.

Captain: Thank you. Are you ready to take her up?

Pilot: Yes, I am ready.

3.Pilot: How many propellers has your ship?

Chief Mate: She is a single screw ship.

Pilot: What is her maximum speed?

Chief Mate: Her maximum speed is 20 knots.

Pilot: How many knots are we running now?

Chief Mate: We are running about 17 knots.

Pilot: What is the draft of you ship?

Chief Mate: Her draft is 5.95 metres fore and 6.00 metres aft.

Pilot: How is her head now?

Chief Mate: Her head is 158° now.

Pilot: How does she answer the helm?

Chief Mate: She answers the helm all right.

Pilot: Does the ship sheer too much?

Chief Mate: No, she sheers a little when there is a heavy swell or a strong wind.

Pilot: I see. Now we shall have to turn to starboard. Starboard handsomely!

Chief Mate (to helmsman): Starboard handsomely!

4.Pilot: What propulsion machinery have you got on your ship?

Watch Officer: We have a 2000 h.p. Romanian Diesel.

Pilot: How many revolutions does she do?

Watch Officer: She does 118 r.p.m.

Pilot: How long will it take to get the engine ready?

Watch Officer: It will take one and a half hours to get the engine ready.

Pilot: That’s good. We must get under way in two hours.

5.Pilot: We are approaching the entrance point. Will you kindly give me the glasses?

Watch Officer: Take mine, if you like. Adjust them to your eyes. I’ll take other glasses from the weelhouse. What are you trying to make out?

Pilot: I’m just searching for the sea buoy, it must be somewhere near that point. By the way, will you be good enough to get the chart for this channel ready?

Watch Officer: I’ve already done that. Please step into the chart house. Here you are. Will this chart do?

Pilot: Oh, but this chart is rather of a small scale. Haven’t you got another one of a larger scale?

Watch Officer: Of course we have. Wait a moment, please. Oh, there it is. Will this one suit you better?

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Conținut arhivă zip

  • Engleza
    • !!! Denumiri uzuale de acte.doc
    • !!! Dictionar de termeni maritimi.doc
    • !!! Exemple Fraze examen.doc
    • 01 Taking a pilot aboard.DOC
    • 02 Passing trough narrows&canals.DOC
    • 03 Anchoring.DOC
    • 04 Mooring.DOC
    • 05 Towing.DOC
    • 06 Medical inspection of the ship.DOC
    • 07 Examinig the ship by the customs.DOC
    • 08 Clearing the ship in.DOC
    • 09 The agent's arrangements.DOC
    • 10 Cargo work.DOC
    • Buying Provisions.doc
    • Delivery of Cargo.doc
    • English for Marine Students.doc
    • Ordering Bunker Coal.doc
    • Reception of Cargo.doc
    • _Cuvinte si expresii folosite in textul notisurilor.doc
    • _Notes of Protest.doc
    • _Notices of Readiness.doc

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