Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală

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Pagini : 42 în total
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Mărime: 92.64KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Cornelia Cristian
Puncte necesare: 10


  2. SUMMARY 3
  3. CUPRINS 5
  6. 1.1.Notiunea de administaţie publică 8
  7. 1.2.Obiectul şi definirea administraţiei publice 9
  8. 1.3. Aplicarea principiului autonomiei locale în organizarea şi funcţionarea administraţiei publice locale 10
  9. 1.4. Autorităţile comunale şi orăşeneşti 11
  11. 2.1. Consiliul local 13
  12. 2.1.1. Consideraţii generale 13
  13. 2.1.2. Alegerea, componenţa şi constituirea consiliilor locale 13
  14. 2.1.3. Competenţa, funcţionarea şi atribuţiile consiliilor locale 16
  15. 2.1.4. Durata mandatului consiliului local 18
  16. 2.1.5. Dizolvarea consiliului local 18
  17. 2.2. Primarul şi primăria 19
  18. 2.2.1. Alegerea şi mandatul primarului 19
  19. 2.2.2. Atribuţiile primarului 20
  20. 2.2.3. Actele administrative emise de primar 21
  21. 2.2.4. Secretarul localităţii 21
  22. 2.2.5. Serviciile publice locale 22
  23. 2.3. Consiliile judeţene 22
  24. 2.3.1. Componenţa, alegerea şi constituirea consiliilor judeţene 22
  25. 2.3.2. Atribuţiile consiliilor judeţene 23
  26. 2.3.3. Funcţionarea consiliilor judeţene 24
  27. 2.3.4. Delegaţia permanentă a consiliului judeţean 24
  28. 2.3.5. Preşedintele consiliului judeţean 25
  29. 2.3.6. Secretarul consiliului judeţean 25
  30. 2.3.7. Serviciile publice ale consiliilor judeţene 26
  31. 2.4. Prefectul şi comisia consultativă judeţeană 26
  32. 2.4.1. Scurtă privire istorică asupra instituţiei prefectului 26
  33. 2.4.2. Atribuţiile şi actele prefectului 27
  34. 2.4.3. Comisia judeţeană consultativă 28
  35. 2.4.4. Aparatul tehnic de specialitate al prefecturii 28
  37. 3.1. Principii generale şi drept comparat 29
  38. 31.1. Principii contemporane de organizare a administraţiei locale 29
  39. 3.1.2. Formele şi limitele autonomiei locale 29
  40. 3.1.3. Evoluţia reglementării privind autonomia locală în România 30
  41. 3.1.4. Principiile organizării administraţiei locale potrivit Constituţiei din 1991 31
  42. 3.1.5. Principiul sistemului departamental 32
  43. 3.1.6. Prefectul, ca autoritate de tutelă administrativă 32
  44. 3.1.7. Aspecte de drept comparat privind administraţia publică în ţările UE 33
  45. 3.2. Norme constituţionale privitoare la administraţia publică locală 34
  46. 3.3.Dreptul administrativ, ramură a dreptului public 34
  47. 3.4.Noţiunea de drept administrativ 36
  49. 4.1. Rolul şi importanţa leadership-ului în administaţia publică locală din România 37
  50. 4.1.1. De ce este leadership-ul important 38
  51. 4.1.2. Rolul leadership-ului în viitorul administraţiei publice româneşti 38
  52. 4.1.3. Strategii ce trebuie adoptate pentru dezvoltarea leadership-ului 39
  53. 4.1.4. Cum putem dezvolta viitori lideri în administraţia publică din România? 39
  54. 4.2. Propuneri privind dezvoltarea de noi leaderi cu focalizarea atenţiei pe rolul femeii în administraţia publică 40
  55. CONCLUZII 41

Extras din disertație


The concept of the management board or the public or to private, has led to the birth of multiple questions to which answers are given in different manners, depending on the historical period of the authors, in which they were issued, the underlying theories. The administrative complexity of the phenomenon is apparent from the fact that normally talk about the public and private administrators and civil servants performing administrative functions, of persons who are under the command of others running decisions and people who implement decisions that are in a position in the hierarchy. The Board derives from latinescul "Administration" means the server and is connected with the word "magister" you are the master, it provides the servant and that it must serve. The concept of the Management Board is wider than that you need to define namely, public administrations. Public administration is a genus of the Management Board is distinct from the private administration of Both genres have more than one species. Please use the general notion that highlights the common characteristics of all types, giving us the criteria for the distinction between private and public administration and the ability to highlight the particularities of the various species of the two genres. In short, to manage is a business executive, at command or delegation of powers.

When this confrontation of public power, by way of derogation from the rules of the common law, it acquires the attributes of the public administration. On the right, the problem is to determine which are the public services and that should be how to organize them. In principle, the determination of the public services which fall within the state variable is a problem in time and space, assessed exclusively political, the representative bodies of the State, by law. Essential Element in determining the scope of the public service is to delimit the scope of the individual and collective trebuinţelor which can be satisfied by the private sphere of the civil society, that of trebuinţelor which need public support through public administration.

Starting from this demarcation is operating the distinction between private and public administration, the distinctions are kept out of the reach of Parliament, and the Act by which make such a distinction is the law. in carrying out this task, the Parliament shall be entitled to exercise their functions of public administration or may entrust tasks of executive power, administrative as separating the sphere of public administration of the State, local government and the relationships between them, as well as the specific powers of each. Since these distinctions are laid down by law, it is normal that those who perform administrative services to be subject to the law, even if you are part of the State, of local public administration or public administration, private or belonging to the category of those who enter into relationships with any of these forms of administration.

Management concept, meaning to be in public or in private life, gave rise to many questions to which answers are given in different ways, according to the authors, the historical period in which they were made, the underlying theories there to. Administrative complexity of the phenomenon results from the fact that normally we talk about government and private administrators and public officials that administrative functions, for persons under the command of others who implement decisions and implement those decisions are in a hierarchical position higher. Management term derives from the Latin "administration" which means the server and is connected with the word "magister" which indicates that the master and servant which it reports that it shall serve him. Management concept is broader than that which we need to define ie government. Government administration is a distinct kind of private government administration Both genres have more species.

There before we must use the general term that highlights common features of all types of administration, giving us criteria for distinguishing between public and private administration and the opportunity to highlight features of the various species of the two types of administration. In short, managing is a business executive, called into the command or delegation of tasks. When this activity achieve its goals using public power, notwithstanding the common law rules, it acquires the attributes of government. The plan administrative law, the question is to determine which services are public and which must be how to organize them. In principle, determination of public services which are used in a problem state is variable in time and space, taken exclusively political, representative bodies of state law. Essential element in determining the scope of public services is the delineation of individual and collective scope of needs may be met by the private sphere of civil society, that of of needs that need public support, through government.

From this distinction is the distinction between government and operate private dimensions of this distinction remains to reach Parliament, and the act of making such a distinction is the law. in this task, Parliament may reserve their appointment to government or may entrust the administrative tasks of executive power, as can delineate the scope of state government, by the local government, establishing relations between them and the specific powers of each. Since these awards are established by law as those who meet the normal administrative services to obey the law, even if part of state government, the local government or private government, or are part of those who enter relations with any of these forms of government. Romanian legislation takes the form of a reduction techniques used as the concentration of power in both the decentralisation and desconcentrarea. In turn, decentralization is carried out on the one hand, on a territorial, and on the other hand she performs and through autonomizării public service.

Territorial Decentralization is performed on the database requires the recognition of legal personality of the administrative-territorial units, the allocation of assets and the existence of bodies with representative character, allowing local communities for the Organization, operation and management of autonomous interests. Decentralization based autonomizării public service, is to become a public service in the local or central competence and recognition of legal personality, a heritage and of its governing organs. Necessary public services organised as Kings of autonomous or companies. Another category of public services is that of the services of localities, they belong to the organisational structure of mayoralties. We consider the services of a guardianship authority, civil status, etc.

Romanian Legislation maintained locally and desconcentrare relationship in the sense that the powers of the Ministers in the external services locally. Between external services and ministries belonging to exist a relationship of subordination desconcentrare, characterized by such services to central management. Maintain hierarchical relationship between those services and ministries, we support the assertion according to which those services are decentralised. Thus, the time of the Constitution of these services be decentralized is wrong. The concept of local autonomy, as he outlines in Law nr. 215/2001, including in terms of three elements: organizational structural, functional and Manager. Important territorial decentralization by autonomous character recognition of local communities in terms of organisational, functional, and Manager, question of the relationship between the autonomous authorities local and Central. These ratios were qualified as trustee, the concept is different depending on the historical developments. At the time of the Romanian legislation fală has abandoned the concept of the administrative supervision exercised by the central organs of the autonomous local authorities, replacing it with the modern concept of the administrative supervision of legality exercised by the prefect. Principle of decentralisation on services, represents some special features of its settlement in Romanian law after 1989. First, this principle finds its uniform rules into a single legal instrument. Secondly, the first laws-the Law nr. 15/1990 – by which it was intended to restructure the economy in order to improve the efficiency of these activities have included public services in the sense that they were conducted either by the Kings, or companies.

So, what was sought was the reorganization of the economy. As regards the degree of decentralization on services, show that he is less or more, depending on the autonomy of more or less widely enjoyed by the public service, either by girat local government authorities or by self-regulatory Kings or companies formed in accordance with Law nr. 15/90.

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Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 5
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Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 9
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 10
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 11
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 12
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 13
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Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 16
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 17
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 18
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 19
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 20
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 21
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 22
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 23
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Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 25
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 26
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Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 33
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 34
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 35
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 36
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 37
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 38
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 39
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 40
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 41
Perspective Europene și Românești privind Administrația Publică Locală - Pagina 42

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  • Perspective Europene si Romanesti privind Administratia Publica Locala.doc

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