International marketing plan - launching Fruttia 100% natural juice in United Kingdom

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Domeniu: Marketing
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 49 în total
Cuvinte : 11597
Mărime: 576.11KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: George Luca
Puncte necesare: 9
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Prof. Univ. Luminita Nicolescu
Academy of Economic Studies Faculty of International Business and Economics


  1. Executive Summary 1
  2. Introduction 2
  3. Literature review 3
  4. Chapter I International Marketing 5
  5. 1.1 International Marketing Activities 5
  6. 1.2 The Role of International Marketing Specialist 6
  7. 1.3 Dynamics of International Marketing 6
  8. 1.4 Global Marketing, a new dimension of Marketing 7
  9. Chapter II Marketing Research 8
  10. 2.1 Company and Product Briefing 8
  11. 2.2 Foreign Environment Analysis and Market Selection 10
  12. 2.2.1 Stage 1: Preliminary Screening 10
  13. 2.2.2 Stage 2: Country Indicators 11
  14. 2.2.3 Stage 3: Product Market Indicators 13
  15. 2.2.4 Stage 4: Market Infrastructure and Final Choice 17
  16. 2.3 Country Presentation 19
  17. 2.3.1 Geography 19
  18. 2.3.2 Population 21
  19. 2.3.3 Macroeconomics of United Kingdom 24
  20. 2.3.4 UK GDP Data 26
  21. Chapter III International Marketing Plan 30
  22. 3.1 Primary Objective 30
  23. 3.2 Mode of entry 31
  24. 3.3 Marketing Mix 33
  25. Chapter IV Conclusions 39
  26. 4.1 Contingency Plan 39
  27. 4.2 Future 40
  28. 4.3 Recommendations 40
  29. 4.4 Conclusions 40
  30. Appendix 41
  31. Bibliography 45

Extras din disertație


International Marketing Plan is concerned with the structuring of the relationship between a business and the global sector. The environment in which business operates has a greater influence on their successes or failures. There is a strong linkage between the changing circumstances, the strategic response of the business to such changes and the performance. It is therefore important to understand the forces of external environment the way they will influence this linkage. The external environment which is dynamic and changing holds both opportunities and threats for the organizations. The changes in the environment affect the risk levels of various investments to be made in the new situations.

The brand recognition in Romania, the high quality products and services, advertising campaigns through powerful media have contributed in achieving market growth. Determining their flaws and trying to improve their weak points, European Drinks managed to remain the market leader. They have continuously kept adapting to the local customers’ needs and preferences, diversifying the flavors, keeping the low prices in an challenging economic environment.

The macro environments in which all firms operate broadly consist of the economic environment, the political and legal environment, the socio cultural aspects and the environment related issues. The technological temper and its progress has been the key driver behind the major changes witnessed in the external environment making it increasingly complex to enter in other countries.


This dissertation aims to explore a company’s development of an International Marketing Plan in order to penetrate a new foreign market by launching their product across their country’s border.

The outcomes of this marketing plan are aimed to increase the brand awareness of the product and to enter the United Kingdom market with our ultra premium 100% fruit juices. We represent a health-conscious and passionate point of view that we hope to bring to the UK market.

This international marketing plan focuses on the analysis of European Drinks in the global market, concentrating on UK features and facts. It includes the international marketing strategy, marketing mix, the marketing environment; an interpretation of its main strategies, showing that in the 21st century European Drinks is not just a home country juice producer but can be known worldwide.

Throughout the entire thesis you will find the research and analysis of all factors involved in order to launch a new product in a new market presented in stages, the goal on a short term being Fruttia Juices to achieve high brand awareness and brand knowledge.

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for “planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives”.

It deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs in ways that provide value for customers and the organization’s stakeholders. One of shortest definition is, “meeting needs profitability”.


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International marketing plan - launching Fruttia 100% natural juice in United Kingdom - Pagina 48
International marketing plan - launching Fruttia 100% natural juice in United Kingdom - Pagina 49

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  • International Marketing Plan - Launching Fruttia 100% Natural Juice in United Kingdom.doc

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