Bilete examen

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Domeniu: Economie
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Publicat de: Eugen Ștefanescu
Puncte necesare: 3
Facultatea de Finante, Asigurari, Banci si Burse de Valori
Academia de Studii Economice, Bucuresti

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1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

Commercial banks are mainly concerned with managing withdrawals and deposits as well as supplying short-term loans to individuals and small businesses. Consumers primarily use these banks for basic checking and saving accounts, certificate of deposit and sometimes for home mortgages. Investment banks focus on providing services such as underwriting and corporate reorganization to institutional clients. While many banks have both brick-and-mortar and online presence, some banks have only an online presence. Online-only banks often offer consumers higher interest rates and lower fees. Convenience, interest rates and fees are the driving factors in consumers' decisions of which bank to do business with.

a. Name the type of assistance that commercial banks provide in market economy system described in the paragraph. (0,50) services

b. Explain the role of commercial banks for the economic development process in a 50 word exposition.(1,50)

2. Find the appropriate missing words in the following text: withdrawal; liquidity; companies; books; saving (5 x 0,40)

Savings banks and life insurance a) companies do not suffer large net outflows very often. People draw down their b) savings by withdrawing money from their savings accounts, or cashing in their life insurance. One of the advantages of relatively large intermediaries is that they can often meet outflows from inflows. In other words, savings banks and life insurance companies can usually pay customer A’s c) withdrawal from customer B’s deposit. Some depositors find the d) liquidity that transaction accounts provide so convenient they even pay for the privilege of keeping their money in the bank via various fees. Banks justify the fees by pointing out that it is costly to keep the e) books, transfer money, and maintain sufficient cash reserves to meet withdrawals.

3. Pick the missing verbs in the following text and give it the convenient grammar form: draw, fall due, hold, issue, vote. (1x 0,40)

The General Annual Meeting decided that the new set of shares should be issued for the company capitalization. Some of the members suggested that a higher percentage of the profit should be distributed to the shareholders. Each shareholder would be entitled to subscribe the same number of shares that he already held. The General Assembly reached the conclusion that new potential investors might be drawn if the shares would be quoted on the New York Stock Exchange. Chairman, commented: “The Board is very pleased that Ordinary shareholders have voted overwhelmingly to continue the Board present project. We will consider the Zero Dividend Preference shares which fall due for repayment on 31 January 2018.

4. Read the introduction to the following quotation and write a 100 word article developing the subject. (2, 00)

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages.” Adam Smith

5. Translate into English:

a) In coloanele 15-16 ale raportului bursier se află indicatori care reprezintă valoarea maximă /minimă a cursului acțiunilor tranzacționate în ziua respectivă. (0,40)

b) Negocierea înscrisurilor se face de către investitori în cadrul burselor de valori. (0,40)

c) Principalele avantaje ale obligațiunilor sunt stabilitatea, riscul scăzut, predictabilitatea încasării cupoanelor și al principalului. Dezavantajul major al acestei investiții este randamentul limitat, comparabil cu un deposit bancar și puțin influențat de capacitățile de investiții. Riscurile țin, în principal, de un posibil faliment al emitentului, creșterea dobânzilor pe piața monetară și inflație. (1,20)

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