Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov

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Publicat de: Voicu Munteanu
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  1. Capitolul
  2. Nr. Denumirea Nr pagini Nr figuri Nr tabele Nr referinte bibliografice
  3. 1. Aspecte teoretice legate de strategiile de resurse umane 20 2 14
  4. 2. Strategii de resurse umane din sistemul universitar din Brasov 18 6 3
  5. 3 Cercetare privind strategii de resurse umane din sistemul universitar din Brasov 22
  6. 4 Concluzii si propuneri 4

Extras din licență


I have been chosen my graduation paper theme about human resources strategies because in my opinion these strategies can bring the success of an organization.

Human resources are the most important resources in an organization and managers must take into account this fact. The success of an organization depends directly by the quality of the human resources.

Strategies in human resources can bring to an organization a good image and also brand recognition.

I chose to make my research about these strategies in the education university system because the quality of the human resources affects the society where we live. If the universities provides high quality services then the society will have well prepare people for the labor market.

A good strategy for human resources can give to the universities a good image. Investments in human resources can attract more students, can improve the quality of the services offering and also can motivate the professors.

The main objective of my research is:

• Identifying the main human resources strategies applied in universities

I have been chosen and public and a private university to make a comparison between the strategies in human resources. I will try to identify how the universities try to attract new personnel and how maintain the qualify one.

The chosen universities are: Transilvania University from Brasov and Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University from Brasov.

Absolvent: Promotia: 2012

Programul de studii: Administrarea afacerilor(limba engleza)

Conducatorul stiintific: Asist.. univ. drd Cristina Nicolau

Tema lucrarii: Strategii de resurse umane din sistemul universitar din Brasov

Studiu de caz realizat la :Universitatea Transilvania/Universitatea Dimitrie Cantemir

Rezumatul lucrarii:

Lucrarea este realizata pentru a sublinia importanta resurselor umane in cadrul instituiilor universitare si de asemenea pentru a sublinia necesitatea unor strategii legate de resursele umane. Studiu de caz incearca sa evidentieze cum cele doua facultati isi incearca sa atraga si sa mentina resursele umane. Mai mult subliniaza startegiile folosite de fiecare universitate .


1.1 The Importance of Human Resources Strategies

Human resources are the creative force of the value and worth of usage, with the leading role in this work. They ensure effective combination of other resources necessary for creation of goods and services for production and consumption. Diagnosis of staff seeks, on the one hand, aspects relating to securing human resources, skill, size, structure and behavior of staff work, and, on the other hand, the efficiency of the users of these resources.

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Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 1
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 2
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 3
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 4
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 5
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 6
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 7
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 8
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 9
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 10
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 11
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 12
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 13
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 14
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 15
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 16
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 17
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 18
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 19
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 20
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 21
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 22
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 23
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 24
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 25
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 26
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 27
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 28
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 29
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 30
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 31
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 32
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 33
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 34
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 35
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 36
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 37
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 38
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 39
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 40
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 41
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 42
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 43
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 44
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 45
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 46
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 47
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 48
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 49
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 50
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 51
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 52
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 53
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 54
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 55
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 56
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 57
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 58
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 59
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Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 61
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Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 63
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 64
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 65
Human resources strategies of the universities system of Brașov - Pagina 66

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  • Human Resources Strategies Of The Universities System of Brasov.doc

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