The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior

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Domeniu: Marketing
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Publicat de: Alina V.
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  1. Introduction 2
  2. Chapter 1. Fundamental models of consumer behavior 4
  3. 1.1 Fundamental models of the study of consumer behavior 4
  4. 1.2 Decision-making processes of consumer behavior and influencing factors 6
  5. 1.2.1 The role of motivation in the dynamics of consumer behavior 7
  6. 1.2.2 The cult of pleasure in consumer behavior 9
  7. 1.2.3 Lifestyle 10
  8. 1.2.4 Self-image 11
  9. 1.3. Neuromarketing 12
  10. Chapter 2. Models of the decision-making process 13
  11. 2.1. Psychological factors of the decision-making process 13
  12. 2.1.1 The influence of economic factors 14
  13. 2.1.2 The influence of demographic factors 14
  14. 2.1.3 Influence of specific marketing factors 15
  15. 2.1.4 The influence of situational factors 16
  16. 2.1.5 The influence of psychological factors 16
  17. 2.2 Reasons for the act of purchase 17
  18. 2.2.1 Personal reasons 18
  19. 2.2.2 Social reasons 19
  20. 2.3. The process of choosing the store 21
  21. Chapter 3. The influence of marketing psychology on fashion consumer behavior 22
  22. 3.1. Research objectives and methodology 22
  23. 3.2. The result of the research 24
  24. 3.3. Research conclusions 34
  25. Conclusions 41
  26. Bibliography 43

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Studying consumer behavior has become a concern of marketers, as they can find out how buyers choose the goods and services needed to meet multiple needs, what are the stimuli, the factors that influence their choice. Conceptual approaches to store / brand image can be found in studies in the 1950s. They attribute human qualities to the store / brand, assuming that the image is composed of all the knowledge and beliefs of consumers about the store or brand, as a result of their experiences.

Several studies show that the image is a complex combination of constructive elements that are based on tangible / intangible, functional / non-functional, physical and symbolic dichotomies.

The success of a store's activity is determined by three components: the quality of the products that make up the assortment, the store's image and marketing communication - advertising and sales promotion.

The first chapter, "Fundamental Models of Consumer Behavior", provides an overview of the concept of behavior, presenting the fundamental models of consumer behavior, decision-making processes and its influencing factors.

Consumer behavior analysts study the consumer's reaction to buying different products / services. Since the way the consumer reacts to various products / services can be measured by the behavior he manifests, we can talk about the dynamics of this consumer behavior. The general theme underlying this area is the determination of those factors that influence the dynamics of consumer behavior.

The second chapter, "Models of the decision-making process", aims at the formation of buying and consuming behavior, which are influenced by a number of factors of a social, psychological, cultural and especially economic nature. Consumer behavior is influenced by the competitive environment of the market, the economic development of a country as well as the characteristics of the political, legislative, cultural and social environment.

Consumers often search from store to store for a variety of products, and the reasons for shopping may be different from the reasons why they buy a particular product. Consumers can go shopping out of a desire to get out of their daily routine or out of a desire to look for bargains, or to interact with sales staff or simply to make new acquaintances. None of these reasons is directly related to the choice of brand or product.

The decision-making process applies to stores as well as brands / products. In some cases, consumers go through a complex decision-making process in selecting stores. In other cases, loyalty to the store may manifest. The consumer chooses to buy from the same store because he likes how it is served or for the richness of the assortments or because he buys all his friends from here, and being satisfied with the quality of services provided and products offered, decides to stay true to this store. Sometimes a real "marriage" is established between the customer and the store.

In order to gather information in order to write the bachelor's thesis, we used documentation and observation as research methods. The proposed purpose of the research is to study the buying behavior of customers în fashion industry. We used on-site observation as a research procedure.

To be successful in the marketplace, businesses must continually focus their efforts on understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of all their customers, both current and potential. At the same time, enterprises must identify appropriate methods and tools for assessing customer satisfaction and ensuring the loyalty of the most important, as well as for improving the internal and external relational system and creating partnerships with loyal customers.

The essential problem of manufacturing companies - knowing how consumers-partners will respond to various stimuli used to achieve their goal. Studying consumer behavior allows you to find answers to questions such as:

- how buyers choose the goods and services necessary to meet multiple needs;

- what are the stimuli, the factors that influence their choice

One can study human behavior as a producer of goods and services and his behavior as a consumer.


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The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 6
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 7
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 8
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The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 10
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 11
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 12
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 13
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 14
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 15
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 16
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 17
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 18
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 19
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 20
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 21
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 22
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 23
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 24
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 25
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 26
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 27
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 28
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 29
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 30
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 31
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 32
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 33
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 34
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 35
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 36
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 37
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 38
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 39
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 40
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 41
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 42
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 43
The influence of marketing psychology on consumer behavior - Pagina 44

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