Arhitectura calculatoarelor

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rezolvari la intrebarile din cartea de seminar in limba engleza la "arhitectura calculatoarelor" pentru facultatea de automatica si calculatoare . primele 6 capitole

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Capitolul 1:

Q1. How are called the microprocessor system normally used in industrial application?

1. Mainframes

2. Minicomputers

3. Personal Computers

4. Microcomputers

Q2.Where is the data stored, which the microprocessor elaborates during its functioning?

1. Memory EPROM

2. Memory RAM

3. I/O Ports

4. Connection Bus

Q3.What is the fundamental difference between microprocessor 8088 and microprocessor


1. The registers of the 8808 are of 8 bit and those of the 8086 of 16 bit

2. The 8086 addresses a quantity of memory superior to the 8088's

3. The 8088 has a data external Bus of 8 bits, the 8086 of 16 bits

4. The 8086 has a greater number of registers than the 8088's

Q4. Which of these registers isn`t part of the registers used by the EU (Execution Unit) of the microprocessor 8086?

1. Register IP

2. Register SP

3. Register AX

4. Register SI

5. Register BP

Q5.How many physical-addressing bits use the microprocessor 8086 for the access to the memory?

1.8 bits

2.16 bits

3.20 bits

4.24 bits

5.32 bits

Q6.In a memory address specified as 4AC2:6768.the value 4AC2 represents?

1. The offset

2. The register AX

3. The segment register

4. The accumulator

5. The physical address

Q7.The name AL represents?

1. The Accumulator Register

2. The 8 bit most significant of the accumulator register

3. The 8 bit least significant of the accumulator register

4. The Segment register associated to the accumulator

Q8.Which of the following physical memory addresses cannot be the starting address of a segment?






Capitolul 2:

Q1.The instruction: MOV AL,33H is an instruction of the microprocessor written in ?

1. Machine Language

2. Assembler Language

3. High Level Language

Q2.Indicate which of the following doesn`t correspond to a possible destination of an instruction data?

1. A number

2. A Register

3. A memory site

Q3. Which of the following is the data source in the immediate ADDRESING MODE?

1. A number

2. A Register

3. A memory site

Q4.What does the expression [1024H] in the ADDRESSING MODE direct into memory (instruction MOV AL,[1024H])indicate ?

1. The effective address of the site from where to take data

2. The Absolute address of the site from where to take data

3. The contents of the site to the effective address 1024H

4. The shift with respect the Data Segment DS.

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