Grile engleză

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Domeniu: Engleză
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Pagini : 30 în total
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Mărime: 123.96KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Alin Cornea
Puncte necesare: 5
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Tudorache Emilia
intrebarile si raspunsurile la lb enleza, anul2 facultatea de drept, spiru haret

Extras din notiță


1. A/An ………… is a writ issued by a court of justice requiring a person to appear before the court

at a specified time.

a. invocation

b. order

c. subpoena

d. warrant


2. A/An ………… is a written statement which is signed and sworn before a solicitor and which can

then be used as evidence in court hearings.

a. injunction

b. affidavit

c. indictment

d. warrant


3. The writ ordering a person to be brought before a court or judge, so that the court may ascertain

whether his detention is lawful is called …………………. .

a. certiorari

b. Habeas Corpus

c. capias

d. ratio legis


4. The application of the writ of Habeas Corpus, also called the Great Writ:

a. has never been suspended throughout United States history.

b. has been suspended during times of war (the Civil War) and national crisis.

c. has been suspended whenever the newly elected president of the United States so



5. An amendment is ………………… .

a. an official approval of something which then becomes legally binding.

b. a formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a debate or meeting.

c. an addition, alteration or improvement to a motion or document.

d. a decision made by a judge or magistrate.


6. A/An …………… is a written statement of the details of the crime with which someone is

charged in the Court.

a. complaint

b. allegation

c. verdict

d. indictment



7. As a general rule, with the exception of minors, mentally disordered persons and drunken persons,

all natural persons have full contractual ………….

a. intention

b. consideration

c. capacity

d. acceptance


8. In the USA, manufacturers frequently have to face ……….. suits.

a. industrial

b. liability

c. unreliability

d. palimony


9. David Frank had to pay heavy .............. to his former employer, plus additional legal costs.

a. damage

b. remedy

c. charges

d. damages


10. A ‘.............. contract’ includes any contract enforceable under statutory or common law.

a. good faith

b. lawful

c. witnessed

d. trustworthy


11. The First Amendment protects the …...... of the press in the U.S. of America.

a. emancipation

b. deliverance

c. release

d. freedom


12. The reporter was called to testify before a ........ concerning his knowledge of the drug activities

reported in his articles.

a. great jury;

b. large jury;

c. majestic jury;

d. grand jury.



13. An order from a higher court demanding that a lower court send up the record of a case for review

is called …............ .

a. indictment;

b. subpoena;

c. certiorari;

d. Habeas Corpus.


14. Choose the correct legal collocation:

a. to allow certiorari;

b. to give certiorari;

c. to present certiorari;

d. to grant certiorari.


15. In the sentence: No cruel punishments shall be inflicted upon the prisoners. the verb to inflict


a. to cause something painful or unpleasant to be suffered by someone else;

b. to cause extreme physical pain to someone in order to extract information.

c. to harm someone without any reason;

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