Răspunsuri engleză

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Domeniu: Engleză
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Pagini : 13 în total
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Publicat de: Valentin Staicu
Puncte necesare: 4
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Zarnescu Nicolae

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1) A person who steals money placed in his care.

1 a forger

2 an arsonist

3 an embezzler

4 a poacher

Raspuns : 3

2) ................ means catching game birds, animals or fish without permission on somebody else's property.

1 hunting

2 stealing

3 trespassing

4 poaching

Raspuns : 4

3) A person who enters a building illegally, especially by force, in order to steal.

1 a burglar

2 a robber

3 a hooligan

4 a vandal

Raspuns : 1

4) A person who steals money, etc from other people's pockets, especially in crowded places.

1 a thief

2 a pickpocket

3 a shoplifter

4 a robber

Raspuns : 2

5) The judge has pronounced .......................... of ten years'imprisonment.

1 an accusation

2 a punishment

3 a sentence

4 a conviction

Raspuns : 3

6) The correct spelling for the English equivalent of the Romanian word - contrabandist - is:

1 imbezzler

2 embezler

3 embezzler

4 embezller

Raspuns : 3

7) He has been released from prison .................... and if he does not behave satisfactorily, he will be sent back.

1 on probation

2 on remission

3 into custody

4 on testing

Raspuns : 1

8) There was no need for a trial, because the client decided to .................... and forgive the attacker.

1 serve his sentence

2 appear in court

3 drop all the charges

4 commute his sentence

Raspuns : 3

9) ............... means money paid by or for a person accused of a crime, as security that he will return for his trial if he is allowed to go free until then.

1 Probation

2 Bribe

3 Bail

4 Fine

Raspuns : 3

10) A .................... is a lawyer who prepares legal documents, advises clients on legal matters and speaks for them in lower courts.

1 solicitor

2 prosecutor

3 judge

4 barrister

Raspuns : 1

11) A person who takes people hostage for a ransom is called a .......................

1 hijacker

2 bandit

3 kidnapper

4 rapist

Raspuns : 3

12) The correct spelling for the English equivalent of the Romanian word - omor prin imprudenþã - is:

1 menslaughter

2 manslother

3 manslaughter

4 manslauther

Raspuns : 3

13) After ten hours, the Jury finally reached its ................: the prisoner was guilty.

1 sentence

2 verdict

3 point

4 conclusion

Raspuns : 2

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Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 6
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 7
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 8
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 9
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 10
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 11
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 12
Răspunsuri engleză - Pagina 13

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