Business plan PDG Design

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Publicat de: Denisa M.
Puncte necesare: 7

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Executive Summary

PDG Design is a proposed business that will offer complete interior design services for homes and offices in the Suceava area. PDG Desing will also offer access to products that complement design consulting services, including new and antique furniture, decorating fabrics and office and home accessories. This business offers customized services that the target market wants and can afford in a way that is unique from concept to implementation.

Recent market studies indicate a specific and growing need in the area for interior design consultancy services and PDG Design offers the necessary products on the market it will serve. Market strategy will be based on a cost-effective approach to reach this clearly defined target market. Although the population in Suceava is below 100,000, the market has a significant amount of relatively rich households that are aware of the look and feel of their home and their offices.

The approach to promoting PDG Design is by establishing relationships with key people in the community and then through referral activities once a significant customer base is established. PDG Design will focus on developing solid and loyal relationships with customers, offering design solutions based on customer's taste, budget, utilization, and goals. Additional selection, product accessibility, design services, and value-based prices will differentiate PDG Design from other options in the area.

Total earnings in the first year are projected to exceed $ 50,000, with a loss. The company will see increasing profits in the second and third years, with revenues projected to grow to nearly $ 80,000. This interior design business plan outlines the concept and implementation and details of the first three years of this business.


1. Achieve a sales volume of $ 3,870 in each business month for the first year, $ 5,720 for the second and $ 6,600 for the third year.

2. Generate a minimum of 45% of revenue from product sales vs. invoicing consultancy.

3. Establish a customer base accounting for 10% of total revenue.


PDG Design is an interior design service designed for customers with a certainty, quality, looking for assistance in choosing their design for their main homes, holiday homes and businesses. This experience gives personal attention through the design process and also provides design resources and products to its customers through special purchases of furniture, fabrics and accessories. Total experience is provided to inform, inspire and help people through the process of transforming their home or business environment to become a unique and personalized expression of themselves and to enjoy that inner space.

The keys to success

The primary keys to PDG Design's success will be based on the following factors:

1. Providing the highest quality of consulting experience in interior design.

2. Selling products specifically selected for these customers to further meet their interior design needs.

3. Communicating with our clients through site customization and communication techniques.

4. Keep customers from generating repeated purchases and making recommendations.

Company Description

PDG Design is a start-up business that offers full interior design services for home and office. This business will help those who want to have guidance and advice in developing a basic design concept of their project, the person who wants to take it from concept to full implementation.

PDG Design will offer customers the opportunity to purchase new and antique furniture, artwork, decorating materials and home accessories. The site will be used as a means of communicating available services and providing a portfolio of work done. The business will start as a business at home and expect to stay in this structure for at least the first three years.

The property of PDG Design, located in Suceava, is registered in Romania as sole owner owned and operated by Mihaescu Denisa in association with Martinut Patrisia and Mierloiu Georgiana.

PDG Design is operated from a home office located in a residential complex in Suceava. A room is dedicated to supporting a work area, a customer contact center, and displaying concepts, products, and design works.

The company owns a number of necessary staff to open the activity consisting of:

Manager: Mierloiu Georgiana

Marketing Director: Martinut Patrisia

Economic Director: Natalia Popa

Designer: Mihaescu Denisa

Architect: Matei Valentin

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