American Express Gold vs Visa Gold

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Gold cards are premium products. The owner of a gold card is chosen from those persons who obtain incomes higher than EUR 1000 and this persons are in general businessmen, lawyers or multinational’s employees.

The costs of a premium credit card are far greater then those for the classic ones. The fees for the issuing of the card, also for the card management or current operations, have higher values.

American Express Gold issued by Bancpost and Visa Gold issued by Banca Transilvania are two premium cards that allow their owner access to a selective club, higher credit limits and exclusive benefits.

American Express Gold

“Do you often travel abroad? What do you think about letting your card take care of all your travel arrangements? And, also, if we tell you that American Express Gold offers a maximum credit limit of over RON 50,000, you can totally relax: any trip, for pleasure or business, will definitely be a success!”

In Romania, Bancpost is the only issuer of American Express cards. American Express Gold is a credit card in lei with international usage, design for individual persons of 18 to 65 years of age with net incomes of RON 3,000.

Where can you use the American Express Gold:

- With vendors displaying the American Express logo, in the country or abroad

- To withdraw cash:

- On the territory of Romania: at any Bancpost unit

- Abroad (in the currency of the country where the transaction is performed): at any ATM which displays the American Express logo

Visa Gold

Visa Gold card issued by Banca Transilvania is a mark of status recognition, being designed for individual clients with high incomes, in order to provide quality services at the highest standards.

Banca Transilvania's success on the premium products market in Romania was recognized within the fifth edition of NO-CASH Gala, by awarding it "BEST SOLD PREMIUM CARD”.

The card can be used both in the country and abroad for money withdrawal and shopping, wherever the Visa mark appears, as well for on-line, off-line and Internet transactions.

Minimum eligibility criteria:

- Romanian individuals aged between 18-68

- Full- time employees with permanent incomes

- Minimum net income: EUR 1600(or RON equivalent)

So, both American Express Gold and Visa Gold are credit cards in lei design for Romanian individuals with high incomes for an international usage. The cards can be used for money withdrawal and shopping, wherever the Visa or America Express mark appears, but also for on-line and Internet transactions.

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