Proiect Access - agenție de turism

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Domeniu: Calculatoare
Conține 2 fișiere: doc, mdb
Pagini : 10 în total
Cuvinte : 740
Mărime: 205.40KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Narcis Roman
Puncte necesare: 9

Extras din proiect

- The verbal model

The TUI Travel Agency has specialized over the years to meets its customers' expectations and even to exceed them. The company has decided to optimize its booking service. Thus, a database was created in order to simplify and better coordinate the internal and external customers.

The TUI Travel Agency has Customers, which it accounts by their ID number, Name, Address, Nationality - which can be R (Romanian) or F (Foreign), Type (can be A-adult, U-under aged, S-senior, VIP) and Account (number).

The agency also provides Routes, which have an ID, a certain Length, Type (circuit - C or stay - S) and Destination.

For each route, there are Transportation Means, identified by the Transport ID, the Type of the transportation mean (it can be a plane, boat or bus), the Class (which can be E-economic, S-standard or B-business) and the Fee charged to the customer for using the transportation mean. The transportation strictly follows a certain Route (Route_ID).

The TUI Travel Agency also has records of the Personnel managing the transportation. Each member of staff is identified by an ID number, a Name, the Type (driver - for busses, captain - for boats or pilot - for planes). Each member of personnel drives a Transportation means (Transportation_ID).

When a client makes a reservation, it is accounted into Bookings. A booking contains a Client ID, the Route ID, the Hotel ID and the ID of the Transportation mean.

For each booking, a hotel must be available to accommodate the guests. For all Hotels, we have a Hotel ID, a Location, the length of the Stay and the Price charged to the guest.

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Proiect Access - agenție de turism - Pagina 5
Proiect Access - agenție de turism - Pagina 6
Proiect Access - agenție de turism - Pagina 7
Proiect Access - agenție de turism - Pagina 8
Proiect Access - agenție de turism - Pagina 9
Proiect Access - agenție de turism - Pagina 10

Conținut arhivă zip

  • Proiect Access - Agentie de Turism
    • Proiect Access - Agentie de Turism.doc
    • tui.mdb

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