Bussiness Plan

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Domeniu: Economie
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 17 în total
Cuvinte : 3078
Mărime: 125.95KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Manole Cristian
Puncte necesare: 8
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Ramona Miresan
Babes-Bolyai University European Studies Management

Extras din proiect


1. Business Summary

1.1 Business Overview

Athos & friends is a canine daycare facility catering to professionals who have disposable income and the desire to provide quality care for their pets while they are working. It is a response to a real market need in a high-end high-income market.

Athos & friends is established in Bistrita, street Valea Ghinzii, no. 101. Company is owned 100% by one founder : Bugnar Ciprian.

Phone Number : 0263/ 234 567, e-mail and web :athosandfriends@yahoo.com, www.athosfriends.ro, for better internet promotion.

Athos & friends is a full-service animal care facility dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality pet care, and furnishing a fun, clean, enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price. We will maintain a friendly creative work environment which respects diversity, ideas, and hard work.

The timing is right for starting this new venture. Animals are playing a larger role in our lives, and working people are choosing to provide them with a good life. Loving families with active pets and an active conscience are in search of better lives for their pets and peace of mind for themselves, causing busy animal lovers to flock to an ever-growing number of animal day care facilities across the nation. For customer convenience, in addition to day care, Athos & friends will include overnight care, wash your own, pet grooming, animal behavior, pet portraits, gift and pet specialty products, 24 hour service, and special requests, all at one facility.

To achieve our objectives, Athos & friends is seeking a short-term commercial loan. This loan will be paid back from the cash flow of the business within four years, backed by personal integrity, experience and a contractual guarantee from the owner.

Athos & friends is the first canine day care facility of its kind. Never before has there been a place where a canine owner could take their dog to be cared for, for the day. The owner feels no guilt in leaving the dog because it is a secure, safe and fun environment.

1.2 Product or Service Features

Athos & Friends wants to set itself apart from other animal service facilities that may offer only one or two types of services. While talking to dog breeds owners, I have come to realize they desire the services I am proposing, but are frustrated because they must go to several different businesses. The focus of Athos & Friends is day care and overnight care. However, the services we provide will be above and beyond what our competition can offer.

Our business atmosphere will be clean, friendly and upscale where customers will be comfortable leaving their pets. We will offer a personal touch, such as birthday cards and a daily report card for each pet that is registered with Athos & Friends.

Our business will offer 24 hour service, a unique concept in this type of industry.

Our products are from companies with recognized brands, are body care, food, things for dog (bowls, clothes, feeders, beds, etc ). Our services will satisfy customers through qualified employees and dedication in their work.

1.3Market Analysis

We address several segments of customers, which will be completely satisfied with our services because we will always examine consumer behavior and preferences.

We have chosen our target market because they own canines and have the ability to afford a service such as Athos & Friends. We are aware that our service is an extra in life, not a necessity. We anticipate and expect to cater to the citizens within our geographical area.

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