Design and Packing

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Domeniu: Economie
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 36 în total
Cuvinte : 4322
Mărime: 2.49MB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Sabin Udrea
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Neacsu Andreea


  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. What means packaging?
  3. 3. Classification of packaging
  4. 4. Materials and design used for packaging production
  5. 5. The functions of packaging
  6. 6. Factors that determine the choice of packaging
  7. 7. The case study.Colors
  8. 8. Conclusions
  9. 9. Bibliography

Extras din proiect


Everytime we leave the house our attention is divided in several places:at cars ,at buildings ,at people walking ,at their clothes at everything that has coulour,shape and beauty.

But it`s imposibile not to go at least once a day at a shop ,supermarket or mall to buy something.

And now let`s think

- Have you ever thought about why the design it is so important for us?

- Have you ever wondered why do you choose a particular product and not another?

- Have you ever wondered why do buy more products than those needed?

There are a lot of questions to put when we think about products.

But for us, firstly it`s more important the design of the package than the content.


We proposed to introduce you in this project everything that means food packaging and design and to let you know what means this concept which is very powerful in our buying decisions.

2.What means packaging?

The pack :

- is a physico-chemical complex with multiple functions, which ensures its properties or, in some cases, improve the quality of the product

- “coating materials with different forms in which a product is packaged for transport or sale”(Petit Robert 1989)

- is a tool designed to wrap a product or a set of products to ensure their protection

About packaging

Today the packaging technique is a necessity due to packaging development and product diversification.Packages are now considered an element of strategy in the marketing of a company.

For a package to be adequate, it must fulfill some conditions necessary to be successfully promote on the market.

Proper packaging is a necessarly condition for achieveing of acts of sale - purchase of goods.

Besides the fact that performs the function of protection and preservation, packaging facilitates handling, transportation, storage and sale of products and sales promotion.

Packaging problems are very complex due to diversification of materials, variety of products to be packaged, packaging methods and machinery manufacturing and packaging, and the large number of protective accessories and diversity of presentation and transport conditions.

The packaging process has complex implications, beginning with production, because packaging is an intrinsic phase of production ,process that continues until occurs the process of consumption.

During the complex process: production -; circulation -; consumption;the food product may be subject to internal and external factors, whose presence creates wear and tear.

Wear physics" refers to the degradation of merchandise goods because of the action of physical, chemical, biological factors etc Regarding the "obsolescence", this refers to a decrease of the consumer interest, which slows down the sales process.

Economically speaking , the packaging may be considered as a finished product ,with a certain destination, in which there was invested significant material and production costs.

In conclusion, an ideal packaging should protect the product well, should be easy and cheap and its technical characteristics should facilitate the operations of handling, transport and storage and also ,to represent the way it is designed, an effective marketing tool.

3.Classification of packaging

The main developments of the pack (attractiveness and diversity of presentation,

improvement of storage and ease of handling, better information to consumers) were the engine of development processes and packaging materials.

Packages can be:

- Primary packaging- is the packaging that comes into direct contact with the product (eg metal cans, glass bottles, bags, etc.)

- Secondary packaging- consists of one or more primary packaging, having a role in transmission and distribution (eg cardboard boxes, plastic crates);

- Tertiary packaging-includes several secondary packaging (eg boxes or pallet for stacking boxes);

- Quaternary packaging - easier handling tertiary packaging (eg, metal containers used in air, sea or rail).

The packages are distinguished according to use:

- Individual package - includes one unit of product;

- Sales-pack - for product marketing and consumer reach with the product;

- Presentation-package - make the product presentation and selling food;

- Transport packaging - used to transport packaged products (eg pallets and transport units or through containers);

- Packs - includes several units of packed product (eg.packed in cardboard boxes for biscuits).

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