CSH Project - Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Probota Hotel

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Domeniu: Electrotehnică
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 52 în total
Cuvinte : 5915
Mărime: 4.65MB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Vlaicu Tănase
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Marinescu Corneliu

Extras din proiect

Project theme:

Design, modeling and performance analysis of a wind and PV hybrid system to supply energy for 10 - 12 rooms from a hotel situated in Bucovina.

The main objective of our project is to desing and analyze the hybrid system following each of these steps:

- choice of the exact location and collect data about the wind speed, solar irradiance coefficient, temperature, latitude, longitude, air pressure;

- implementation of the bloc diagram;

- design of the electrical scheme of the system;

- calculation according to our consumers: number of appliances, installed power for each appliance, power consumption for each month of the year;

- choice of the wind turbine, solar panels, battery and diesel generator according to the calculations on power consumption;

- choice of the convertor based on the peak load of the system;

- simulation of the system using all the details mentioned before;

- analysis of the results, draw of the conclusions on the reliability and functionality of the system also some further work solutions.

These steps are followed by the zone renewable energy sources, efficiency of the wind turbine, solar panels, hydro generator and electric/electronic devices, economic issues all this in accordance with comparison to other devices.


Hybrid power systems based on new and renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaic and wind energy, are an effective option to solve the power-supply problem for remote and isolated areas far from the grids.

Over the present years hybrid technology has been developed and upgraded its role in renewable energy sources while the benefits it produces for power production can't be ignored and have to be considered. Nowadays many applications in rural and urban areas use hybrid systems. Many isolated loads try to adopt this kind of technology because of the benefits which can be received in comparison with a single renewable system.

For the Palestinian case, the daily average of solar radiation intensity on horizontal surface is about 5.4 kWh/m2 and day, while the total annual sunshine hours amounts to about 3000 [1]. These figures are relatively high and very encouraging to use PV generators for electrification of certain loads as it has been world wide successfully used.

The annual average of wind velocity at different places in Palestine is about 3 m/s which makes the utilization of wind energy converters surely un feasible in such places In other places it exceeds this number and reaches up 3 to 5.5 m/s (Al-Mazra'a Al-sharqiyah/Ramallah is an example and it is the case under study in the thesis ) which makes it feasible to be used to operate a wind turbine. At Nablus, the annual average of wind velocity reaches to about

4.5 m/s Nablus site is also considered in this study as a comparison with Ramallah site [2]

Technically a system which is entirely dependent only on renewable energy sources can not be a reliable electricity supply, especially for isolated loads in remote areas. This is because the availability of the renewable energy sources can not be ensured. Therefore, wind , solar PV hybrid systems, which combine conventional and renewable sources of energies, are a better choice for isolated loads.

A hybrid system using wind , solar PV, diesel generator as a back up system, and a battery as a storage system is expected to: satisfy the load demands , minimize the costs , maximize the utilization of renewable sources, optimize the operation of battery bank, which is used as back up unit , ensure efficient operation of the diesel generator, and reduce the environment

pollution emissions from diesel generator if it is used as a stand alone power supply. The high capital cost of hybrid systems is affected by technical factors such as efficiency, technology, reliability, location, as well as some nontechnical factors, so the effect of each of these factors shall be considered in the performance study of the hybrid system.

One of the important factors, which directly affects the electricity cost is

correct system-sizing mechanism of the system’s components. Over-sizing of

components in hybrid system make the system, which is already expensive,

more expensive, while under-sizing makes the system less reliable. Thus

optimum sizing for different components gives economical and reliable

benefits to the system.

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CSH Project - Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Probota Hotel - Pagina 1
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CSH Project - Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Probota Hotel - Pagina 51
CSH Project - Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Probota Hotel - Pagina 52

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  • CSH Project - Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Probota Hotel.doc

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