Bussines Plan

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Publicat de: Jasmina Mușat
Puncte necesare: 9

Extras din proiect

Company Description

Kundo, Inc., a Massachusetts based company, will operate Abonda, a single unit, medium-size restaurant serving healthy, contemporary style food. The restaurant will be located at 645 Deacon Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Mission Statement

The company's goal is that of a multi-faceted success. Our first responsibility is to the financial well-being of the restaurant. We will meet this goal while trying to consider; 1) the effect of our products on the health and well being of our customers (and our staff), 2) the impact that our business practices and choices will have on the environment, and 3) the high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding, and generosity between management, staff, customers, and vendors. Awareness of all these factors and the responsible actions that result will give our efforts a sense of purpose and meaning beyond our basic financial goals.

Development & Status

The company was incorporated in September of 1995 and elected sub-chapter S.

The founders are Jack Morton and Wilma Mason. Jack is the President and Wilma the Vice President. There is a total of 10,000 shares of common stock issued. Wilma and Jack each own 3,000 and the remainder are retained by the company for future distribution. In addition they have loaned the company $25,000 of their own money for research and start-up costs.

A suitable site for the first restaurant was found last month and lease negotiations are in the final stages. The location will be on Deacon Street, just outside Harvard Square and close to a dense population of the target market. When the lease is signed there will be three months of free rent for construction and in that time the balance of the start-up funds must be raised. With that phase completed, Abonda Restaurant can then open and the operations phase of the project can begin.

Future Plans

If the business is meeting its projections by month nine, we will start scouting for a second location and develop plans for the next unit. Our five year goal is to have 3 restaurants in the greater Boston area with a combined annual profit of between $500,000 and $1,000,000.

Table of Contents

Industry Analysis

Although the restaurant industry is very competitive, the lifestyle changes created by modern living continue to fuel its steady growth. More and more people have less time, resources, and ability to cook for themselves. Trends are very important and Abonda is well positioned for the current interest in lighter, healthier foods at moderate to low prices.

The Restaurant Industry Today

The food service business is the third largest industry in the country. It accounts for over $240 billion annually in sales. The independent restaurant accounts for 15% of that total. The average American spends 15% of his/her income on meals away from home. This number has been increasing for the past seven years. In the past five years the restaurant industry has out-performed the national GNP by 40%. The reasons given by the Folkney Report (November 1994) are 1) lifestyle changes, 2) economic climate, and 3) increase of product variety.

There are 600 new restaurants opening every month and over 200 more needed to keep pace with increasing demand.

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