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Publicat de: Zaharia Voinea
Puncte necesare: 8
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Cretu Cornelia


  4. 1. Early civilization 6
  5. 2. Germanic invasion 8
  6. 3. Muslim influence 11
  7. 4. Between world wars 17
  8. 5. Postwar Europe 18
  9. 6. The Cold War 19
  10. 7. The breakup of Communism 20
  11. 8. Land regions 21
  12. 9.
  14. 1. Brief History 24
  15. 2. Ways of life 25
  16. 3. Languages 27
  17. 4. Religions 27
  18. 5.
  19. CHAPTER V: ARTS 29
  20. 1. Ancient Greek and Roman art 29
  21. 2. Medieval art 30

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Europe is the most fascinated continent, with a very old and rich culture which, by no means, was a great influence for all the cultures in the world.

That’s why many people call Europe ‘THE OLD CONTINENT’.

Traces of life on this continent have been found and proved to have been dated thousands of years ago. Along centuries culture, customs and traditions mixed here, on this land, the result being marvelous.

From Aegean civilization (3000 B.C.) to Roman and Germanic invasions all the movement of peoples brought something new and unique.

Of course each people, nowadays, has its own culture, languages, way of life, but in the some time in spite of their many differences Europeans share some basic attitudes and beliefs.

Europeans take great pride in the outstanding artistic, educational and political achievements their ancestors made hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

They who know both the American Culture and the European culture can make the differences. An example Henry James, an American- born write who settled in England. In his novels and short stories (Pride and Prejudice, Washington Square) he drown otfention of this readers on the European rich, old and valuable culture.



Europe is the birthplace of Western civilization. No other continent has had such great influence on world history. From the time of the ancient Greeks, European political ideas, scientific discoveries, arts and philosophies, and religious beliefs have spread to other parts of the world. The civilizations of the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Australia and New Zealand developed largely from European civilization.

The many cultural landmarks and natural beauties of Europe attract visitors from all parts of the world. Exhibits in museums such as the Louvre in Paris thrill art lovers. Masterpieces of architecture include the temples of ancient Greece and Rome and the cathedrals of France, Germany, and Italy. London is rich in history and royal pageantry, with famous palaces and government buildings. Europe's historic Rhine River winds past steep cliffs dotted with the ruins of castles built hundreds of years ago. Among the continent's many other attractions are the snow-covered Alps of Switzerland, the colorful tulip fields of the Netherlands, the canals of Venice, and the sunny beaches of the Riviera.

Europe has been a world leader in economic development. Great manufacturing centers have raised near its many rich coal and iron ore deposits. Much of the continent has rich soil that produces high crop yields. As a result, Europeans have a high standard of living compared to that of most other peoples of the world.

The people of Europe represent a variety of cultural backgrounds. They have spoken different languages and followed different cultural traditions for centuries.

Europe occupies the western fifth of the world's largest land mass. Asia occupies the rest of this land. Europe extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Mediterranean Sea in the south, and from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east.

Europe is smaller than every other continent except Australia, but only Asia and Africa have more people. About one-eighth of the world's people live in Europe. Of all the continents, only Asia is more densely populated than Europe.

The 47 countries of Europe range in size from Russia, the largest country in the world, to Vatican City, the smallest. Russia lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia. By world standards, most European countries are average or small in size. The five smallest could fit within the boundaries of many cities. There are more world powers in Europe than on any other continent.

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