Iaurt cu fibre de mazăre

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Publicat de: Panait Timofte
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Consumation of fermented milk products, as a healthy and nutritious food has a long tradition.

Yogurt is a fermented dairy product obtained by lactic acid fermentation of milk by the action of yogurt starter bacteria and is the most popular fermented milk throughout the world.

The highest production or consumption of yogurt is in Mediterranean, Asian countries, and in central Europe.

After 1990s probiotic bacteria and prebiotics are added to yogurt and it is often used as a carrier for probiotic or prebiotic.

The most common prebiotics include inulin, oligofructosaccharides and different fibre which are found in many vegetables, including onion, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke.


For milk fermentation and obtaining a product with specific biotechnological properties, the milk is seeded with a culture of lactic bacteria by "direct inoculation" with thermophilic lactic bacteria: Streptococcus  thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. The role of lactic bacteria in yogurt manufacturing is that of milk acidification, the synthesis of flavor, development of texture and viscosity.

The technology of yogurt manufacturing uses pure bacterial cultures selected in specialized laboratories, which are delivered to milk processing firms in liquid or dry form.


Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the most important vegetables grown worldwide on approx. 6.59 million hectares, with an annual production of 9.83 million tons. Pea is one of the main crops traded globally and represents roughly 35–40 % of the total trade, with 80% of pea production coming from Russia and China.

Pea fibres was used successfully as a prebiotic in the manufacture of fermented milk, to obtain meat products with improved protein content, baking cakes with reduced fat and sugar content, and used as the source of starch and fibres in various food products.

From the nutritional point of view pea are a suitable source of macronutrients, proteins polysaccharides (starch, dietary fibre) and micronutrients, minerals, vitamins, and other healthy bioactive elements.

This paper analyses the effect of pea fibres addition (1%, 1,5%, 2%, 2,5% , 3%, 4%) on the sensorial and physico-chemical properties of yogurt.

Materials and methods

The product was made from material cow's milk according to classical method, fermentation in packaging.

After pasteurization and refrigeration, milk was distributed in plastic packaging of 150 mL and inoculated with a specific culture for yogurt (Strptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus).

Also, the yogurt was additivated with fibers of peas in the following proportions:

Sample 1 - yogurt with 1% fibers of peas,

Sample 2 - yogurt with 1.5% fibers of peas,

Sample 3 - yogurt with 2% fibers of peas,

Sample 4 - yogurt with 2.5% fibers of peas,

Sample 5 - yogurt with 3% fibers of peas,

Sample 6 – yogurt with 4% fibers of peas,

Control sample– yogurt without fibers of peas

After seeding, samples were subjected to thermostatic incubation at 45°C / 3 hours, during which the milk clotting occurred. After the incubation, samples were cooled to 20°C, then stored in the refrigerator for 12 hours at 6°C and then were analyzed.

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  • Iaurt cu fibre de mazare.pptx

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