Social Report Auchan

7/10 (1 vot)
Domeniu: Management
Conține 1 fișier: pdf
Pagini : 23 în total
Cuvinte : 962
Mărime: 16.50MB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Mario R.
Puncte necesare: 5


  1. Introduction
  2. Healthy Food
  3. Carbon Footprint and Climate Change
  4. Plastic Pollution
  5. Sustainable Lifestyle
  6. Solidarity
  7. Covid-19

Extras din proiect

Promoting a healthy diet and

combating food waste

Fight against plastic pollution

Reducing carbon footprint


"Auchan 2022" - is structured around three social

responsibility groups:


Mercato agricolo di Piacenza|2020

Auchan Retail

has joined the

"The 2030

Agenda for



on September

21, 2016

Mercato agricolo HEALTH Ydi PFiaOcenOza|D2020

Auchan strives to develop the

healthiest version of their

products by requiring the

suppliers to meet the highest

possible quality standards.

They work to eliminate synthetic

substances (azo dye), the

enhancer of flavor (glutamate)

and hydrogenated fats, within its

own brand products.

Mercato agricolo di Piacenza|2020

Auchan implemented a product certification

system that ensures transparency regarding

the nutritional values of own branded


The suppliers for own brand products are

audited by the quality department at least

twice a year together with an external audit


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Social Report Auchan - Pagina 7
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Social Report Auchan - Pagina 9
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 10
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 11
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 12
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 13
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 14
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 15
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 16
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Social Report Auchan - Pagina 20
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 21
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 22
Social Report Auchan - Pagina 23

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  • Social Report Auchan.pdf

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