Marketing în travel and tourism

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Domeniu: Marketing
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Publicat de: Ludovic Spiridon
Puncte necesare: 8


  2. TASK 1 3
  3. 1.1 The concept of marketing for travel and tourism sector 3
  4. 1.2 Impact of marketing environment on individual travel and tourism and on destination 4
  5. 1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand 5
  6. 1.4 Principals of market segmentation and its usage 7
  7. TASK 2 8
  8. 2.1 Importance of strategic marketing planning 8
  9. 2.2 Relevance of marketing research and market information to the manager in Thomas Cook 9
  10. 2.3 Influence of marketing on society 9
  11. TASK 3 10
  12. 3.1 Issues in product, price and place elements 10
  13. 3.2 Importance of service sector mix to the tour and travel sector 11
  14. 3.3 Total tourism product to an individual tourism business. 12
  15. TASK 4 12
  16. 4.1 Nature and role of promotional mix 12
  17. 4.2 Integrated promotional campaign for Thomas Cook 12
  19. REFERENCE 14
  20. Books and Journals 14
  21. Online 14

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Travel and tourism sector play very important role in the nation. It is required to provide better growth opportunities to this sector so that it can more improve. Travel and tourism sectors help the government to generate more revenue. This is the one sector that help to generate more revenue to the government. Management of travel and tourism sector is related to the planning and organising. It is one of the fastest growing sector in the nation. This sector provides many growth opportunities to the individual of the nation as generate employment. There are opportunities to the individual to work as agent. It will help to improve the knowledge as well as employment. Travel and tourism sector focuses to provide better services to tourist who are coming to their nation for visiting different destination. The government of the country provides many amenities and facility to the sector so that it can be developed and to provide better services to the tourist who are coming from different places (Qu and Lee, 2011).


1.1 The concept of marketing for travel and tourism sector

Thomas cook is a organisation that is providing their services in tour and travel sector. This organisation is providing better services in tour and travel sector to their tourist. It is providing different packages to their tourist so that they can provide better satisfaction to the tourist. The marketing of tour and travel sector is very important because it helps to enhance the number of tourist in the nation. It helps to provide knowledge regarding the offers and different packages so that number of tourist can be attracted.

For the marketing of new cultural package, it is required for Thomas cook to offer the benefits with the package so that more and more tourist can be attracted toward it. The price of the package must be lower as comparison to the competitor prices so that more people can attract toward the organisation (Vanhove, 2011).

It is required for the Thomas cook to consider following components in marketing as:

1) Needs and wants-

It is required for the company to focus on the needs and wants of the tourist so that they can provide better services to their customer. When an organisation focus on the needs and wants then it helps the organisation to achieve the goal and objective of the organisation.

2) Satisfaction and quality-

It is required for the organisation to focus on the satisfaction level of the tourist. It is also very important for the organisation to provide qualitative services to their customer because it helps to provide better satisfaction to the customer. When an organisation is able to provide better services to their customer then the customer linked with the organisation for the long run.

3) Product-

It is required for the organisation to provide product that can fulfil the needs of the customer. The product must have the features that can support the demands of the customer. The product must be qualitative that can satisfy the needs and wants of the tourist (Uriely, 2010).

4) Exchange, transaction, relationship-

The facility to the exchange must be provide at the destination so that if tourist need to exchange the currency than they can do it in easy manner. The transaction that happened with the customer must be secure and understandable. It is required to establish relationship with the customer so that they can attract for long time.

5) Market-

It is required for the company to check the market conditions and trends so that according to the present situation they can provide their services to the customer and achieve the satisfaction of the customer toward the organisation (Peeters and Dubois, 2010).


Books and Journals

Chon, K.S., 2013. Tourism in Southeast Asia: A new direction. Routledge.

Hall, C.M., 2014. Tourism and social marketing. Routledge.

Hall, C.M., Timothy, D.J and Duval, D.T., 2012. Safety and security in tourism: relationships, management, and marketing. Routledge.

Hanna, P., 2012. Using internet technologies (such as Skype) as a research medium: a research note. Qualitative Research. 12(2), pp.239-242.

Hudson, S and Thal, K., 2013. The impact of social media on the consumer decision process: Implications for tourism marketing. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 30(1-2), pp.156-160.

Jalilvand, M.R and et. al., 2012. Examining the structural relationships of electronic word of mouth, destination image, tourist attitude toward destination and travel intention: An integrated approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 1(1). pp.134-143.

Li, X.R and at. al., 2010. Estimating the size of the Chinese outbound travel market: A demand-side approach. Tourism Management. 31(2), pp.250-259.

Moutinho, L. ed., 2011. Strategic management in tourism. Cabi.

Murdy, S and Pike, S., 2012. Perceptions of visitor relationship marketing opportunities by destination marketers: An importance-performance analysis. Tourism Management. 33(5). pp.1281-1285.

Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D and Ladkin, A., 2014. A typology of technology‐enhanced tourism experiences. International Journal of Tourism Research. 16(4). pp.340-350.

Peeters, P and Dubois, G., 2010. Tourism travel under climate change mitigation constraints. Journal of Transport Geography. 18(3). pp.447-457.

Qu, H and Lee, H., 2011. Travelers’ social identification and membership behaviors in online travel community. Tourism Management. 32(6). pp.1262-1270.

Sigala, M., 2011. Special Issue on Web 2.0 in travel and tourism: Empowering and changing the role of travelers.

Tussyadiah, I.P., Park, S and Fesenmaier, D.R., 2011. Assessing the effectiveness of consumer narratives for destination marketing. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 35(1). pp.64-78.

Uriely, N., 2010. “Home” and “away” in VFR tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 37(3). pp.854-857.

Vanhove, N., 2011. The economics of tourism destinations. Routledge.

Yoo, K.H and Gretzel, U., 2011. Influence of personality on travel-related consumer-generated media creation. Computers in Human Behavior. 27(2). pp.609-621.


Marketing In Travel And Tourism Industry. 2017. [Online]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 9th May 2017]

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