Lesson Plan - Modular Revision and Assessment

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Publicat de: Cristofor Costin
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DATE : February 12th, 2011

SCHOOL : No, 10, Bacau, Prof. Ilinca Alexandru

Class : 3B

LEVEL : Beginners

UNIT : 6

LESSON : Modular revision and assessment 3


Method of teaching: communicative method;

Techniques : conversation , dialogue, individual work , pair work, brainstorming;

Materials: pupils’ book, blackboard/whiteboard;


a) Cognitive:

1. To develop students’ ability to talk freely and fluently;

2. To enrich students’ vocabulary with words like: mouse, goat, cow, tortoise, dog, cat, horse, spider, rabbit;

3. To develop students ability to associate pictures with words or sentences;

4. To develop students ability to tell information about themselves:

- to tell if they can dance, fly, swim;

- to tell if they have a pet;

- to tell the color of their eyes;

b) Affective:

• to create a pleasant atmosphere;

• to make students confident in the ability to use the language;

NR. CRT. Stages of the lesson Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Interaction Skills Teaching techniques Aids Purpose/Aim

1 Warm-up

(2 min) T greets the students and asks the pupils several ordinary questions („How are you today”?” Is anybody missing”? ) Ss stand up, say hello to their teacher, sit down and get ready for the English class. T-Ss

Ss-T Speaking conversation

elicitation -to create a pleasant atmosphere

2 Checking homework

(5 min) T checks homework Ss answer T’ questions related to the homework T-Ss

Ss-T Speaking

Reading conversation notebooks -to check previous taught material;

3 Checking previous knowledge

( 5 min ) T asks the students questions about the previous lesson. Ss answer using their previous knowledge T-Ss

Ss-T Speaking conversation

elicitation white/blackboard -to review Ss knowledge previous knowledge.

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