Raport expertiză - studiul mărfurilor

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Pagini : 21 în total
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Publicat de: Virgil Stan
Puncte necesare: 6
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Neacsuu
Business administration, anul 3


  1. 1. Preamble - 1 -
  2. 2. Short history of the litigation - 1 -
  3. 2.1 The parts - 2 -
  4. 2.2 .Causes of litigation - 2 -
  5. 3.Objectives and questions - 3 -
  6. 3.1 Objectives of the expertise: - 3 -
  7. 3.2. Questions addressed to the expert: - 3 -
  8. 4.Methodology and investigation procedures - 4 -
  9. 5. Expertise findings - 5 -
  10. 6. Expertise Conclusions: - 7 -
  11. 7. Annexes and Borders - 10 -
  12. 8. BIBLOIGRAPHY - -20 -

Extras din proiect

The Court of Ploiesti

File no. 232451/11.11.2010

Until: 12.01.2011

1. Preamble

I, Harsan Olivia with adress in Ploiesti, Mihail Kogalniceanu Street number 44, hired as a legal expert by Fashion Store with the ID number 172345, delivered 30.01.2009, by the Court of Ploiesti, found in The Central Bureau of Expertise Ploiesti, was named as an expert in the litigation that offers the object of hte file no. 232451 from 11.11.2010, based on the summons no.2345, from 03.11.2010 emited by the Court of Ploiesti, I consign in the present raport the results of the received expertise.

2. Short history of the litigation

2.1 The parts

The two parts found in the litigation that form the object of the file no. 232451/11.11.2010, based on the decree no. 5/10.10.2010 are:

The plaintiff is Fashion Store, located in Ploiesti, Unirii Street No. 15, represented by Amalia Calin, as a lawyer, Id Card PH No. 512432, emitted by the Police of Prahova at 11.02.2001, CNP 2870764900108.

The defendant is Moda Tekstil Bucuresti, located in Bucharest Sector 5, Toamnei Street No.16, represented by Iulian Cincu, as an attorney, Id Card B No. 345672, emitted by SPECEP S6 bureau No. 3 at 11.02.2001, CNP 1880623172357.

2.2 .Causes of litigation

The grounds on witch Fashion Store sues Moda Tekstil Bucuresti are the failure of clauses that are stipulated in the commercial contract, although the delivary was made according to the selling contract.

15 shirts model S315

36 shirts model S320

40 shirts model S330

100 shirts model S340

120 shirts model S345

125 shirts model S363

220 shirts model S400

240 shirts were delivered deteriorated :

50 shirts model S340

20 shirts model S345

10 shirts model S135

15 shirts model S330

75 shirts model S363

70 shirts model S400

3.Objectives and questions

3.1 Objectives of the expertise:

1.What were the causes that led to the deterioration of the products

2.Establishing the place (were the deterioration process took place).

3.Verifying the conditions of merchandise transport.

4.Verifying the conditions of the merchandise deposit.

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  • Raport Expertiza - Studiul Marfurilor.doc

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