Plant de Afacere

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Publicat de: Olivia Marton
Puncte necesare: 6
Universitatea Babes Bolyai - Cluj Napoca, este un plan de afacere scris in limba engleza.

Extras din proiect

1. Details of the business

SC. Danubius Hotel is unit hotel in a resort located in Venus, 200 m from the beach. The unit is very well situated in the resort is close to the beach, has private beach, and competition is very weak in this resort. There is only one unit hotel with the same quality rating of 3 stars; the remaining units have a lower quality factor. It will be very easy to break into the market through an appropriate pricing policy, thus obtaining a position of market leader in the hotel in the resort of Venus.

SC DANUBIUS is constituted as an LLC with a registered capital of 6 million lei. It consists of:

Building: 2 million lei

Furniture, fixed assets 3 million lei

Available cash: 1 million lei

It is paid in full when the company formed by the two partners, with her social equal parts:

Gogozan Alexandra: 2 million lei building;

MDL 1 million cash.

Florea Giorgiana: 3 million lei inventory items, fixed assets

Capital is fully paid to the bank BCR, on 24 March 2006, Mangalia branch. It is registered with the Trade Register of the county of Constanta, Mangalia town as code R21/986/2006

Documents necessary for registration of Trade Register:

→ installment sheet issued by the bank after capitation payment by the social partners;

→ the ID of members;

→ evidence for head office (tenure);

→ the act of incorporation Danubius, authenticated by Notary Public;

→ marriage certificates / birth of members;

→ judicial stamp tax 30 + 0.5 lei judicial stamp which shall be paid to the Treasury.

When submitted to the Trade Register will be original and copy, the originals will be returned to the merchant.

The formation is composed of:

-identification data (name, place and date of birth, address and nationality of members);

-form of the company name, location;

-objects of the company;

-capital subscribed and paid;

-associations that represent and manage the company;

-each associated profits and losses;

-duration of the company;

-module of dissolution and liquidation.

SC DANUBIUS Ltd. is managed by the members, having those full equal rights they will put together in accordance with legal provisions.

Associations-managers bear the losses and enjoy the profits equally. In the event of liquidation or dissolution of society they will be in accordance with legal provisions.

2. Personal details

The management decisions are materialized in three directions:

• expansion;

• return;

• autonomy.

SC Danubius focus primarily on cost-effectiveness and autonomy. Expansion of the company is difficult to achieve in view of its subject. It is somewhat difficult to acquire a different hotel, if the expansion is performed horizontally. With the vertical expansion, things are similar, since upgrading to a unit hotel is very difficult to achieve and very costly. However, expansion is not impossible. This is the direction towards which the company will step in the long term.

3. Personnel

Staff has an important role in the hotel. Behavior during the service should be impeccable. It is very difficult to find staff for this work where the latter must adapt to conditions of stress and tiredness. This is true in the middle of the summer season, when employees often have to stay overtime. Not everyone accepts this, and we should not forget that they are engaged only during summer season. Honor, seriousness, responsibility are qualities that any employee of the unit must have.

The staff is divided into departments. The company has concluded collaboration with the Office of Work Force for distribution by it of a qualified staff.

There is an optimum number of employees who must hold it a hotel. A very small number of employees would adversely affect the work unit hotel (could adversely affect the quality of service). The same happens when the number of employees is too high, since this would turn attracting higher wages and thus increase costs. The optimal number of employees is determined according to each hotel. The Danubius hotel unit number of employees is presented in the following table:

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