Tourist Resources Management

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Domeniu: Turism
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 50 în total
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Publicat de: Raluca Balazs
Puncte necesare: 8
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Roman Livandovschi

Extras din proiect

Theme no. 1. The Subject of Study of the Tourist Resources Management

1. Introduction to the TRM.

2. The position in the system of economic and geographical sciences.

3. Principles, methods, and means of study.

4. The categories of the TRM.

5. The factors influencing the tourist phenomenon.

1. Introduction to the TRM.


1. To define the TRM

Key words:


Tourist phenomenon

Tourism is vital for many countries, such as Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Spain and Thailand, and many island nations, such as The Bahamas, Fiji, Maldives and the Seychelles, due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services, such as airlines, cruise ships and taxis, hospitality services, such as accommodations, including hotels and resorts, and entertainment venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping malls, various music venues and the theatre.

Tourism resources are material basis of tourism development and the object of tour activity. Tourism resources’ classes, quantity, quality, developed potentiality and exploited degree are the basic factors of tourism development in one place. Reasonable exploitation and planning of tourism resources is prerequisite of tourism development.

Sustainable tourism is a new and important study area in geography, resource management and related disciplines. In practice, it promotes the development of tourism industry taking into consideration the environmental, resource and sustainability issues.

The Department of Geography and Resource Management which is in the vanguard of promoting environmental and sustainability issues in Hong Kong and the region, presents a distinctive program that has a strong focus on resource management issues, tourism policy and ecotourism practicum in Hong Kong as well as in greater China. It will adopt a natural resources-based perspective incorporating resource management and environmental management principles.

Understanding and implementing sustainable tourism will help the environment, promote education and ethics, and inculcate conservation.

The tourist phenomenon includes the all the motivations and activities of a leisure and health nature extended in a given place and a given moment. This way it can be pointed out three main aspects of tourism:

• the tourist resources;

• the infrastructure;

• the tourist flow.

Conclusion: I can say that tourism can not exist without people and only their presence can identify a tourism place. In the last years tourism became more and more wanted activity by people and in the future can be a grow in this domain because community became more dangerous through pollute air.


2. The position in the system of economic and geographical sciences.


1. The importance of geography in tourism

2. The importance of economy in tourism

Key words:

Geography Tourism

Economy Tourism development

Geography is fundamental to the study of tourism, because tourism is geographical in nature. Tourism occurs in places, it involves movement and activities between places and it is an activity in which both place characteristics and personal self-identities are formed, through the relationships that are created among places, landscapes and people. Physical geography provides the essential background, against which tourism places are created and environmental impacts and concerns are major issues, that must be considered in managing the development of tourism places.

The natural factors (relief, climate, and hydrography) often participate

proportionally in the setting up of the tourist resources’ potential of many regions

of the world, determining the rhythm and the intensity of tourist phenomenon.

The success of your tourism program depends on strong consensus among residents to pursue tourism development. Seasonal population fluctuations will affect community organizations and services; and therefore, tourism development may alter the lives of many residents. The goals of tourism development need to be integrated with your community goals.

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