Communication Satisfaction

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In theory communication: Communication is the process to impart information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium. But in practice communication in its variety of form (verbal communication, non-verbal communication) represents the main source of human interaction.

Communication is fundamental to any form of organizing, because it creates a connection between the employees and makes the work environment a pleasurable place.

Many of the problems that occur in an organization are the direct result of people failing to communicate. Faulty communication causes the most problems. It leads to confusion and can cause a good plan to fail.

The following project aims to show how people within certain types of organizations communicate and how their communication affects the performance of the business.

Employee communication is a vital tool for engaging employees, and promoting commitment and loyalty. By giving employees a greater understanding of their roles in the organization we believe the motivation will be increased. Employee communication also focuses on increasing employees' knowledge of the bank's products, services and customer expectations.

We have chosen the financial domain, more exactly the 3 important banks from Romania to analyze the communication system and its impact both on employees’ efficiency and organization development.

In the first chapter of the report we will give some theoretical insights for about: "the satisfaction of communication", "work satisfaction" and "online social media", concepts that will helps us understand and analyze properly the answers of the respondents.

The second chapter represents the core of the projects because it transforms into practice all the theory from the first chapter; here the respondents, the bank and their position will be presented in a detailed manner We will start by emphasizing our behavior in collecting data from the employees and their personal behavior to our demands.

The last chapter of the projects consist comments and clusions that are based upon the theory and the actual responses of the bank employees, the correlation between theory and practices gives the real sense of the answers and analyses the level of communication within the organization.

Communication should be seen as a continuous, systematic process by which interested parties within the company learn what they need (or, in some cases, want) to know. While not all information is appropriate for all people to know, in general open and free communications should be encouraged within and across all levels and divisions of the enterprise.



Researchers have provided several definitions of communication satisfaction since Level (1959) first introduced the term. Based on research conducted exclusively in the U.S., the first definitions of communication satisfaction emphasized the construct's unidimensionality. Thayer (1969) defined the term as “the personal satisfaction a person experiences when communicating successfully”. Redding (1978) in an analysis of several studies, reported that “communication satisfaction is used to refer to the overall degree of satisfaction an employee perceives in the total communication environment”. Downs and Hazen's (1977) research indicates that communication satisfaction is a multidimensional construct. These researchers define the term as “an individual's satisfaction with various aspects of communication in the organization, including organizational information, personal feedback, job information, supervisor communication, communication climate, horizontal communication, media quality, subordinate communication, top management communication, and interdepartmental communication”.

Crino and White (1981) argued that organizational communication satisfaction involves an individual’s satisfaction with various aspects of the communication occurring in the organization; whereas, Putti, Aryee, and Phua (1990) demonstrated that organizational members’ communication satisfaction is associated with the amount of information available to them, which may enhance their commitment to an organization. Thus, the communication satisfaction of employees is important because it appears to be a key issue for employees in determining their organizational effectiveness. For example, outcomes where employee communication satisfaction is low include reduced employee commitment, greater absenteeism, higher employee turnover, and reduced productivity. At an individual level, poor communication can result in increased uncertainty about situations, the self, others, or relationships, increased occupational stress, and burnout.

The following hypotheses were advanced:

H1: Communication competence of a supervisor will serve as a greater predictor of their subordinate’s job satisfaction than will the supervisor’s nonverbal immediacy.

H2: Communication competence of a supervisor will serve as a greater predictor of their subordinate’s communication satisfaction than will the supervisor’s nonverbal immediacy.

Based on this conceptualization of communication competence forwarded by Stohl (1984) who argued that a communicatively competent individual possesses the ability to employ communicative resources such as language, gestures, and voice effectively in the pursuit of goals, it would appear that nonverbal behaviors such as nonverbal immediacy may mediate the relationship between communication competence and the outcomes of job and communication satisfaction. As such, the following hypotheses were advanced:

H3: Supervisors’ nonverbal immediacy will mediate the relationship between communicator competence and subordinates’ job satisfaction.

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