The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy

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Domeniu: Economie
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 59 în total
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Publicat de: Emanoil Toma
Puncte necesare: 8
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Nicolae Tau
Teza de licenta aparata in liba engleza, la catedra de relatii economice internationale


  3. 1.1. The concept and evolution of the world economy 6
  4. 1.2. Science and technology as a step in the formation of the world economy 10
  6. 2.1. The effects of the industrial revolution on the progress of world economy 19
  7. 2.2. The role of science and technology on the growth of the world economy 26
  9. 3.1. General aspects regarding the science and technology in the development of Republic of Moldova 32
  10. 3.2. Strategies and programs for improving the future of Republic of Moldova 37

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The relevance of the investigated theme. The evolution noted in the international economic relations, in the beginning of the XXI century, make deep evidence on the significant changes in comparison with the regard to last period, in the area of the interpretations on the value concepts about the development of the world economy. In this way are many implications and penetrations from the past to present, more events and discoveries in the innovation domain. Science and technology represent one main step in the development of world economy.

Industrial Revolution has big effects on the formation of the world economy as relating that these multiple events represent a step in creation of a new better life, which influenced to the beginning of a new era. This constituted one fundamental base in the elaborations of new innovations in the view to improve the industries, agriculture and infrastructure, also the relations between states by improvement of transports. The impacts and influences of science and technology on the growth of the economy consist of many factors which determine the development of the economy at international, regional and national level.

The present interest is consisted of the problematical settlements in the international economic relations which are reflected on the big interest studied and researched by many international institutions. These organizations try to increase the economic growth and the life standards.

Science and technology can be applied with success for sustaining and developing the world economy, being in this way an important factor which has a significant impact on the evolution of global economy. In nowadays the discoveries in this domain represent a useful thing for the future development of world economy, as growth of industry and infrastructure.

In this way can be mentioned the raising of the life standards, high-skilled labor, big productivity, high quality of products, transports and services. Engineers are often involve in technology generating activities, but are sometimes unable to identify the benefits resulted from the new technology and science. The present theme represents a big interest also for promoting the investments in research and development.

The scope and objectives of the thesis are represented by the theoretical and methodological studies of science and technology which have an important role in the development of world economy, in analyze of the present and the future perspectives. The aim of research was constituted by the identification of possibilities to analyze the role of science and technology in the development of world economy.

The issues of the paper work are the examinations of the general principles which influenced the development of world economy by two factors as science and technology, this representing the base for the future growth, the identification of the arguments and opportunities, the evidences of particularities on the science and technology in the Republic of Moldova, also the Industrial revolution and its effects on the creation of world economy.

Object of the theme is the science, technology and the development of world economy on international level and in the Republic of Moldova.

Theoretical and methodological support of the thesis represent the scientific books and paper works which were analyzed and studied of the specialists in the domain of the researched theme as: Bal Ana, Buşcăneanu S, Gilpin R, Gwartney J, Usunier Jean-C, Balan Carmen, Stutz Frederick P, Balassa Bela, Forsyth T., Leontief W., Moulaert F., Mureşan M., Mureşan D. Norton S., Perkmann M., Prohniţchi V., Popescu N., Postu V., Ravenhill J., Rideanu P., Rogowski, R., Kajtár E., Stone M., Bond A., Suciu M.C., Şută N., Voinea L., Waele J.M., Willard T., Wilson A.G., Woolcock S., Yankov N., etc, also many of normative acts referred in the thesis.

The structure of the thesis. The aim and objectives are investigated in 3 chapters which contain analyze about the role of science and technology in the development of world economy.

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects relating to the role of science and technology in the development of world economy with the paragraphs: The formation and the evolution of the concept of world economy and Science and technology as a step in the developing of the world economy characterize the theoretical and methodological aspect of the theme. The first paragraph presents theoretical events about the development of the world economy, starting with the beginning and finishing with the situation of the world economy in the present. The second paragraph Science and technology as a step in the development of world economy are presented the importance of these two factors in the history and in present. In contemporary economies business firms are a fundamental locus of technology and scientifically accumulation. Research and development express the significance of science and technology in our world.

Chapter II. Analysis the impact of science and technology in the development of world economy with the first paragraph The effects of the industrial revolution on the progress of world economy which explain the starting point of the beginning in a new era. The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining and transportation had a profound effect on the economy of Britain. The second paragraph The role of science and technology on the growth of world economy communicate that the science and technology playing a prominent part in the development of world economy. Technology and science have such immense benefits in every phase of our lives, that it has not only made our life easier but also has raised the standard of living of every individual. Innovation has made the economy of the world climb the highest peaks.

Chapter III Science and technology – two major factors for development economy of Republic of Moldova is structured in two paragraphs as: General aspects regarding to the science and technology in the development of national economy and Strategies and programs for improving the future of Republic of Moldova. The first paragraph relate about the importance of science and technology in Republic of Moldova. The major condition being the pass to a new economy, based on knowledge is innovations model, economic development, also transforming innovations and innovation activities into the major development factor of Republic of Moldova. The second paragraph explain and show how national government participate on the creation of a condition based on knowledge and innovation through elaboration different programs and strategies issuing the principles, objectives and the goals of these.

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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 1
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 2
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 3
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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 5
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 6
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 7
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 8
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 9
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 10
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 11
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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 15
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 16
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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 18
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 19
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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 21
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 22
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 23
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 24
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 25
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 26
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 27
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 28
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 29
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 30
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 31
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 32
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 33
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 34
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 35
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 36
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 37
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 38
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 39
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 40
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 41
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 42
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 43
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 44
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 45
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 46
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 47
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 48
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 49
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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 51
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The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 57
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 58
The Role of Science and Technology în The Development of World Economy - Pagina 59

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