Arctic SA

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  2. 2.The place of Arctic S.A. in the chain of electronics firms
  3. Evolution of sales of refrigerators Arctic in 2005-2007
  4. Evolution of turnover in the period 2005 - 2007
  5. 3.Conclusion
  6. WEbibliography

Extras din referat

Identification data for ARCTIC S.A.

Fiscal identification code: RO933930

Registry of commerce number: J15/253/1991

Main activity of ARCTIC S.A.


Manufacture of household appliances

Contact information for ARCTIC S.A.

Address: GAESTI, County: ROMANIA


Arctic Company was founded in 1968 – 1970 by Houston Thompson, licensed in France, and since that date is a leader on the Romanian market of refrigerators, because its products offer the quality at very favorable price.

Over time, the Arctic has failed to keep pace with technological modernization in the world, implementing quality refrigeration products in Romania, as necessary to meet the needs of increasingly demanding market.

From household appliances and commercial refrigeration, the cooling housing and offices, Arctic answer to all needs of the 'cold' by the news of which has systematically. All these advantages have made the Arctic a market leader, before whom even the most demanding customers in the Romanian market will not remain "cool".

Arctic is the largest producer of appliances and market leader in Romania, currently holding a market share of 1.7% of household appliances. Arctic brand has a market share of 29.1%, divided by product category as follows: 45.2% refrigerators segment, 20.6% segment washing machines, cookers and 18.8% in the segment 7 % a television segment.

The place of Arctic S.A. in the chain of electronics firms

Arctic is part of "Arcelik" the third-largest European appliances. Company "Arcelik" has 11 production sites in 4 countries and has 17,000 employees. Portfolio "Arcelik with 9 brands, and in 2006 was a year of growth for the company with a turnover of EUR .9 billion and a sales volume of over 10,000,000 units.

Arctic is the largest producer of appliances and market leader in Romania, currently holding a market share of 1.7% of household appliances. Arctic brand has a market share of 29.1%, divided by product category as follows: 45.2% refrigerators segment, 20.6% segment washing machines, cookers 18.8% in the segment and 7 % a television segment.

By product category, Beko refrigerators segment has 2.6%, % per share washing machines, cookers and .7% segment share of 5% on televisions.

Arctic addresses modern buyers who want quality and reliability, backed by a brand with an experience of over 6 years. Company addresses those who seek comfort products energy efficient, with technology and modern design. To these are added that the Arctic offers the best value for money, a network of national service and extended warranty, most of the electronics market.

Consumers products Arctic are young people who appreciate life, spend time with friends than with family, are concerned about the issue, they take risks and accept challenges to achieve their career goals.

For Beko brand, the consumer profile is the young and middle-income parents above average. Beko consumer is actively involved in both family life and in career development and social life. He wants the best for his family and is willing to spend more to ensure comfort. Survive, more sophisticated products with a high degree of innovation.

According to a study done by the company GfK, only 15 Romanian brands are truly known both in Romania and abroad. These include Dacia Arctic Borsec, names that are, in addition to large companies, and brands.

Grateful that kept its supremacy over the years, Dacia is the oldest local brand. Share spontaneous brand recognition abroad is 68%, according to a research conducted by Synovate company.

In second place is the Arctic, with a few percentage points behind Dacia. According to experts, the Arctic has a degree of notoriety spontaneous 41%, but much better quality than the Dacia car. rd place was awarded to BCR, with an awareness rate of 29% among Romanians, followed by BRD, appreciated by 12% of Romanian.

Enjoying of 7 years of experience, the Arctic is more than one company, is a universe with a history that not many companies can brag about, enjoying the present and preparing its future. In the center of all achievements is the principle which left the road and not stray from respect for the client. Greatest asset is the employees whose activities are conducted daily for integrity, honesty and professional ethics constitutes the quality of products and services.

Arctic Spirit governing production is to offer products to the highest standards of quality and best prices to ensure total customer satisfaction which is the prosperity of the organization and also the company's mission. Arctic consumers defer reflected in its improved products with market requirements and developments in technology.

Arctic Products offers energy-efficient, technology and art design. The company provides a national network of service and extended warranty largest home appliance market and not least the best quality - price prerequisite for success, to resist the market and atarage cilenţii his side.

All products manufactured by Arctic meet domestic and international environmental standards, in addition the organization is under certification by ISO 14 000, this means the first phase of greening the environment, processes, recycling of waste. Idear would be like in another phase to think greening product to develop projects that take account of recycling and greening the product during the "age".

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