Are Leaders Born Or Made

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Publicat de: Liliana A.
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Carmen Ungureanu

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Are leaders born or made? This question continues to dominate the study of leadership today. Volumes of research have been written. But there is little to no conclusive evidence either way. The topic of leadership remains elusive.

Leaders are individuals who establish direction for a working group of individuals, who gain commitment (Kotter: "aligning") from these group members to this direction, and who then motivate these members to achieve the direction's outcomes.

This definition is broad enough to allow for a wide variety of leader behavior. For example, setting direction can range from establishing strategic direction for the corporation to setting daily production goals for a team or individuals. Secondly, a leader need not exercise all three elements to be a leader in the eyes of others. Leaders can be found all over organizations fulfilling one or all of these roles.

Developing some clarity about the "born-or-made?" debate is essential to a discussion of leadership training. The current consensus is that it is both. In a majority of cases, genetics and early family experiences play the significant role in developing the personality and character needs that motivate the individual to lead. They also contribute to the development of the intellectual and interpersonal skills necessary to lead.

From these studies certain types of work experiences emerge as the primary developmental forces behind leadership. For example, challenging and multi-functional work assignments taught self-confidence, toughness, persistence, knowledge of the business, skill in managing relationships, a sense of independence, and leadership. Hardship taught personal limits and strengths, while success bred confidence and an understanding of one's distinct skills. Diversity in experiences developed breadth and different bosses modeled values and taught key lessons. This mix set the stage for leadership ability to take hold.

Most of us remember the outstanding leaders of our high school or college days. They were not only recognized as leaders in our schools, they seemed somehow destined for ultimate success in the adult world. Years later, on returning for class reunions or encountering these same people during a chance meeting, we find that many of these "born leaders" never reached their apparent potential.

We may also recall many of our classmates and friends who seemed lost during some of those early years. Although they would have never been picked to reach leadership positions in any field, many, in fact, turn out to be extraordinarily successful leaders. These everyday examples illustrate a heated debate in management and behavioral science — are leaders born or made?

After 50 years of collecting data on the topic, most psychologists believe that leadership qualities are innate or genetic and thus impossible to learn.

Are Leaders Born or Made?

- Leadership skills can come from genes or education -

Some people are born to move and shake the world. Their blessings: high energy, exceptional intelligence, extreme persistence, self-confidence and a yearning to influence others.

After 50 years of collecting data on the topic, most psychologists believe that leadership qualities are innate or genetic and thus impossible to learn. Psychologists presented over a decade of research showing that leadership skills can be developed and mastered.

First, they found that Mom and Dad can instill us with the tools and drive to lead. Both senior VPs in high-tech firms and the military leaders they interviewed had very involved parents who set challenging goals, translated failure into "how to succeed next time" and lived by high standards of moral conduct--helping their kids to appreciate diverse views.

But even if you weren't prepared early in life to be a leader, they've discovered techniques to help you take the helm: Visualize obstacles; set goals and find someone who will hold you accountable to them; seek and incorporate feedback from colleagues; reflect on your best and worst moments; train gradually; broaden your model of leadership to include a full range of styles; and honor high ethical standards.

In a series of five studies, leaders of different ages and levels of experience from around the world participated in workshops with other members of their organizations. Based on this model, the teams developed practical problem-solving techniques and leadership plans that they successfully deployed over the following six to 12 months. Regardless of whether their skills were born or made, all got the job done equally well.

Most of us wanted to be leaders at some point in our lives. Being the boss is a form of being a leader. Some of us succeed while others wonder what leadership skills they are missing in order to become a leader in their filed. Leadership is more about your behavior and born-characteristics first and you’re gained leadership skills second.

The best way to understand the leadership skill is use an example.

Think of the world known leader: Mr. Nelson Mandela for example. The people of South Africa followed Mr. Mandela because they trusted and respected his leadership skills. Mr. Mandela did not have his leadership skills sharpened at Harvard University. He was a born leader who cared for his own people’s freedom.

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