Coca Cola products

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Facultatea de Marketing ASE

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Although Coca-Cola was first created in the United States, it became popular very soon wherever it went. The first international bottling plants were opened in 1906 in Canada, Cuba and Panama, soon followed by many more. More than 70 percent of the income comes from outside, but the real reason Coca-Cola is a truly global company is that its products meet the varied taste preferences of consumers everywhere.

Coca-Cola estimated brand value was about 75,5 billions USD in 2000, followed by Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Nokia, General Electric, Ford, Disney, Mc Donalds, Marlboro, Mercedes, etc.

If Pemberton is the person who created the magic formula (which is still a secret) of this product, a brilliant businessman from Atlanta, Asa Candler, transformed Coca-Cola in a brand name. He was aware of the advertising power when registered the brand in 1886. in order to promote this brand, Candler created a variety of promotional articles  calendars, watches  all of them having unscripted Coca- Cola. Because of the competition, the company decided to protect its products and brands.

Today, Coca-Cola offers more than a moment of pleasure. Its a part of our life.

The success of Coca-Cola in Romania can be explained considering first of all the popularity of the brand in our country even before it reached the intended market. A vital element was also the companys capacity of implementing after launching the product in Romania a very good system of distribution and packaging of products. By 1992, Coca-Cola became Romanias market leader in carbonated soft drinks.

Coca-Cola brought experience in Romania, especially distribution expertise and the concept of serving the costumer; it set the standards for technological, managerial and organizational competence throughout the country; its impact had significant quantitative and qualitative effects on the Romanian economy.

Coca-Cola tried to create a real connection between the brand and the customer. For example, in 1996 the company decided to associate the brand with the Easter holidays. Coca-Cola has always been a soft drink for everybody and Easter is one of the occasions that bring family together to celebrate the event.

The companys products dont respect the market theories. Everybody knows the brands have a certain life period: they are born, they grow till reach the intended level and after they fall. But Coca-Cola is different: after 116 years, the brand is powerful than ever.

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