EU Cyberspace Governance - which way forward

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Domeniu: Engleză
Conține 1 fișier: docx
Pagini : 8 în total
Cuvinte : 2007
Mărime: 32.54KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Cha M.
Puncte necesare: 6


  1. - INTRODUCTION .. 2
  4. - CONCLUSIONS ...7
  5. - REFERENCES ..7

Extras din referat


There is no academic consensus about what cyberspace really is. As Benjamin S. Buckland argues , the cyberspace has many competing definitions, mainly being defined as a broad network of huge ICT infrastructures including Internet, telecommunications networks or SCADA computer systems in various industries. While a more formal agreement may never be reachable , both public and private actors around the world have shown a clear interest in defining the rules and best practices for behavior in cyberspace. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, I define the cyber governance as a method or system of government or management for the domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures .



However, the last decade is characterized by the amazing growth of ICT which fosters continuously the progress of the human kind. The explosion in interoperability and functionality of the global Internet has undoubtedly redefined the way we think about traditional forms of governance. While many scholars share different views about what cyber governance is, many agree that the computer-generated public domain (cyberspace) has no territorial boundaries , is controlled by no single authority, it enables millions of people to communicate around the world and maybe encourages threats to national security and internal governance stability of states .

As a consequence of the continuous emergence of ICT, the original purpose of the WWW (scientific data exchange, global economy support, freedom of information and communications, etc) has changed dramatically in the past decade. Consequently I argue that a feasible and broadly agreed cyber governance model (un model fezabil și larg acceptat de guvernanță cibernetică ) is a must for states around the world. The first reason of such model is given by the fact that there are numerous ideological divergences in both our understanding of the issues and challenges, as well as in the technical and governance capabilities required to confront the threats to nation states. The second one is given by the previous ACTA (AntiCounterfeiting Trade Agreement, 2011) experience which has shown to the world that we still face many democratic concerns about control, oversight and transparency of cyberspace governance .


Therefore, in order to assure a chained interoperability, states acknowledge that these challenges entail the building of democratic cyber governance mechanisms for public

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