Forest biodiversity

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Publicat de: Maria Maftei
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Motto: The forest is not only a positive value with health, but also for the soul of a nation



Forest ecosystem level is a small area on the order of tens of hectares or acres , occupied by a single forest biocoenosis .

Forest geographically is a complex whose territory stretched surface can be hundreds or thousands of hectares for geosystem and higher upper units geosystem ( provincial sub area , floors, etc.)


It represents the variability bodies terrestrial, marine , aquatic, continental and the ecological complexes including intraspecific diversity , interspecific and of ecosystems .

Forest biodiversity at global and local level is in constant threat of extinction due to reduced surface area covered by forests, forest fragmentation , climate change and other stress factors .


Equatorial forests are found in the equatorial region , on both sides of the equator ( on average up to 5 ° latitude north and south ) and the Congo Basin , the Amazon plain , northern Australia , and the Philippines .

Flora : the equatorial forests dominated by angiosperms or flowering plants .

Fauna : rainforests are the most diverse ecosystems on Earth due to the number of animal species. Most are insects , but there are many vertebrates.


The extent of tropical forests are now in South America , Central America , Africa , Southeast Asia as the equator (10 ° latitude north and south of the equator ) of Australia in general area of these forests are stretched equatorial zone .

Flora : Trees in the rainforest grow as floors, so we can remember six floors of vegetation that can not be clearly identifiable , - the ground is grassy plants , shrubs , bushes.

Fauna is represented by a wide range of animals and birds. Example: gorillas, chimpanzees, jaguar, tiger bengal , toucans , harpy eagle

3.Atlantic forest

Atlantic Forest is a region of tropical and subtropical moist forest , tropical dry forest , tropical savannas , and mangrove forests that stretch along the Atlantic coast of Brazil .

Flora : This forest has been extensively cleared, especially for sugar cane used in agriculture and urban settlements . Debris these forests are estimated to be 7% of initial pădurera divided into groups and are often isolated on the tops of hills

Fauna: contains a large number of endangered species , including the well-known species of lion tamarin monkeys and pygmy .

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